Was wondering if anyone knows what material for the netting is best. What I am questioning is the spreading of fibers from cutting the netting, which can then contaminate the buds. So, is a nylon synthetic material going to leave alot of nasty fibers, so maybe a plastic type string would eliminate this?
The best thing I can think of is net wire on hooks and eyes, you can add and remove the wire as you need to, and it's easy to wash down and store
I’ve been thinking about 4 way corner pieces where this scrog is now and then use the 3 ways I take off to create another layer, that’s just a thought at the moment.

I want to keep going with a single net scrog for now as it’s still fairly new to me and I want to create more uniformity across the entire scrog with extra training and selective pruning.
your canopy looks good but if you thin the plants out, week 2 in flower, you will get a more even spread,

here my scrog, about 10 years ago
thin the plants, a week into flower
after canopy 1.jpg
about 2 weeks later
3 weeks in flower.JPG
and 4 weeks in flower 12/12
mid flower.jpg

It's all about removing all the stretched thin shoots, you want to have 1 main shoot every 6" every shoot needs its own space to grow.
The best thing I can think of is net wire on hooks and eyes, you can add and remove the wire as you need to, and it's easy to wash down and store
Would net wire have a coating so it wouldn't cut into the plants? Was thinking maybe weed whipper line also. Easy to remove and replace. Didn't like cutting the nylon material scrog net on the buds. Something I think that should be avoided if at all possible.