The Great God Pan is Alive

ok so pan is a god, and somehow he disappeared from the world, but one stoner is gonna bring him back on an internet forum?
Pan does exist. Holy fuck like seriously, you read way too much into things, very conceited in your world view, every one who disagrees is wrong... SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT PAN.
You know nothing about the religions you claim to believe, seriously. If hindus, the ancient greeks, and the ancient egyptians heard the way you describe their gods, they'd look at you like a crazy man.
You know what? You can believe all your wishy washy gods, and etc...
but you have no right going and calling everyone who doesnt believe in pan, shiva, whatever... unenlightened, and stupid. You have this superiority complex about your religion, but what the fuck do you know? Seriously. You cant just take random gods in their modern understanding and say "Hey, they're real"

You'd be more believable if you ever recieved education from a sandhu, a greek priest, an egyptian priest. They could give you true understanding, not something you have read off of the internet and try to internalize as truth. You read the myths, you get high and "listen" and all the sudden 99.999% of the world is wrong for not believing in your amalgamation of ancient gods that you have no understanding of, being a modern american.

Get off your soapbox dude.
Just throwing this out there - I hate it when people tell other people to get out from behind a screen...from behind a screen. I can be outside in the sunshine, pop open my phone or my kindle, type in a response, and go play jump rope. "Behind the screen" isn't what it used to be.

Yeah, but you were here to reply. While I left, and often do for hours or days at a time to live a real life.
We are animals bro.. I can talk to another human and that would be talking to another animal.. but I'll ignore that point for now.

I'm agnostic, I admit I hardly know anything..
So what if plants knew about the planets? If I could talk to them I would ask them what the hell is gonna happen.. but I can't.
If we lived on a ball with billions of ecosystems then we wouldn't be alone.

I talk to my dog all damn day.. I personally would like to say hello to an alien too. I'm not following you, maybe I'm just too dumb or something. So lets take baby steps :).

You're missing the whole point.
You need to reach OUTSIDE HUMANITY to understand the whole world. The classification "animal" means NOTHING :dunce:

You can talk to the plants and animals better than you think, just try harder.
dear fin...

i hate to be the guy who ruins "santa clause" to children...

but... you have to comprehend this... humans are animals... we have become so complex, that we have taken these "chemical reactions through the set of electrical pathways, and have developed "emotion"...

we have since the beginning of time looked at things that couldnt be "explained" and began to "characterize" and have been "anthropomorphizing" just plain old nature, for an actual "sentient" being... when ALL it is... is just about as sentient as a "rock"...

now sure the rock has mass and matter compressed under high energy(heat) and it even itself has "energy" to it just as ALL matter has energy...

HOWEVER... there is no "consciousness" to it in the way WE are conscious...

ALL matter is "aware of itself" but NOT in the way WE are aware...

matter and atoms and sub-atomic particles are completely aware of other particles through the communicational "nature" of "nuclear forces" driven by electromagnetic recognition... thus why some particles are "attracted or repel one another"...

then on a grander scale... gravity is the "communicational" method that larger bodies of mass "communicate" between eachother...

and space itself is a "force" which thereby exhibits a "jello mold" for which distance and time is created...

these "forces" you "observe" by seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, touching, smelling, (mmm bacon) sorry got side tracked there lol ;)

but all of these things ARE not conscious as you or i or anyone else is... but people still try and "personify" that which has no being to it in order to "psychologically" "attach or affix" themselves to an "identity", in which then makes it easier for them to "relate" to what cannot be related to in the way you or i or any other ORGANIC life form can...

sorry to be the one to tell you...(not really ;)

but sooner or later we will all evolve in a manner mentally to where we all can realize "reality" and be able to differentiate that which is real, to that which is fantasy...

now dont get me wrong, as there is some wonderful things our minds can "create" and or "imagine"... but it is very important for us as a species to not get the two mixed up... because when we do "get them mixed up" usually harm comes from it by either setting us back intellectually, and or harm from its divisiveness, because everyone is different, not one human has ever seen the same thing as you have, and no one ever will... that is why "individuality" is such a wonderful thing... but with that being said...

there still is a "common reality" that we all are living in and we ALL need to recognise it as the ONLY reality there is... ;)


You said some good stuff there, but like Heph you fail to recognize that I am not trying to define life, or how humans work, or nominating a prime deity.

This is a grouping of natural phenomenons that DO exist, Pan can be seen, felt, heard, and I can even tell you when YOU have been "Pan".

Do you have children?
If so, have you ever spanked or yelled at them an d felt bad about it? Congratulations, you were reflecting upon your "Dark Self" or "Dark Pan". In the moment of regret, you were looking back on what it could do.
Well that's a respectable answer.. I did do that. I honestly tried, but nothing happened.. I got the shit bit out of me by mosquitos. Pan is pretty mean huh? I did see a cool deer though.. But like I already said.. nature is beautiful. so what am I missing?

Maybe some Mushrooms.
Or a Mountain.
Or an instrument.
You're missing the whole point.
You need to reach OUTSIDE HUMANITY to understand the whole world. The classification "animal" means NOTHING :dunce:

You can talk to the plants and animals better than you think, just try harder.
Why do you keep saying to talk to animals but not humans?? I've already told you I talk to my dog all day. Do you want me to catch a deer and talk to it or something? And I whistle and thhink while I'm around plants.. if they know about the planets I'm sure they understand my intentions (snickers).. What am I supposed to ask them? Hey plant how have you been?

I'll try again but I see no progress.
ok so pan is a god, and somehow he disappeared from the world, but one stoner is gonna bring him back on an internet forum?
Pan does exist. Holy fuck like seriously, you read way too much into things, very conceited in your world view, every one who disagrees is wrong... SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT PAN.
You know nothing about the religions you claim to believe, seriously. If hindus, the ancient greeks, and the ancient egyptians heard the way you describe their gods, they'd look at you like a crazy man.
You know what? You can believe all your wishy washy gods, and etc...
but you have no right going and calling everyone who doesnt believe in pan, shiva, whatever... unenlightened, and stupid. You have this superiority complex about your religion, but what the fuck do you know? Seriously. You cant just take random gods in their modern understanding and say "Hey, they're real"

You'd be more believable if you ever recieved education from a sandhu, a greek priest, an egyptian priest. They could give you true understanding, not something you have read off of the internet and try to internalize as truth. You read the myths, you get high and "listen" and all the sudden 99.999% of the world is wrong for not believing in your amalgamation of ancient gods that you have no understanding of, being a modern american.

Get off your soapbox dude.

Wow Urca, that really hit home. I'm going to stop announcing things for my gods now.

Not. :dunce:

Fuck you. :lol: :D

It's about society, and the Vedas (Have you ever read a Veda that wasn't just posted on the internet? Or do you observe other than for the fact that you are probably one lonely bitch) . You're western thinking makes you strive for a teacher, and a lesson plan to follow.
That's not how it works, sorry. This religion is a little different than Christianity with its Preachers, and White/European evolution. You should have looked into it a little before getting a god tattood on your back.

You said some good stuff there, but like Heph you fail to recognize that I am not trying to define life, or how humans work, or nominating a prime deity.

This is a grouping of natural phenomenons that DO exist, Pan can be seen, felt, heard, and I can even tell you when YOU have been "Pan".

Do you have children?
If so, have you ever spanked or yelled at them an d felt bad about it? Congratulations, you were reflecting upon your "Dark Self" or "Dark Pan". In the moment of regret, you were looking back on what it could do.

So are YOU saying pan is LIKE nature, emotions, life, and energy?
Why do you keep saying to talk to animals but not humans?? I've already told you I talk to my dog all day. Do you want me to catch a deer and talk to it or something? And I whistle and thhink while I'm around plants.. if they know about the planets I'm sure they understand my intentions (snickers).. What am I supposed to ask them? Hey plant how have you been?

I'll try again but I see no progress.

Start by talking to weed.

And you DO NOT talk to your dog, I can't even talk to my dog.
I mean, get some salvia, get some DMT, or get some mushrooms for the both of you. TALK TO YOUR DOG.
So are YOU saying pan is LIKE nature, emotions, life, and energy?

Pan is the Good and Bad in every person.
Pan is LIKE (but not exactly) "The Laws of Nature"
Pan is the Screeching warrior
Pan is the Wilderness in the world, and in our hearts
Pan is more than all this.
But Not as simple as nature, and not as broad as "life" since other gods do better jobs of explaining other aspects of it.
unenlightened, and stupid.

I don't call anyone either of these things, if you feel that way it was in your own heart.

I just explain things, and stand by what I say. If you feel stupid for denying me while I do that, then that's kinda on you.
Start by talking to weed.

And you DO NOT talk to your dog, I can't even talk to my dog.
I mean, get some salvia, get some DMT, or get some mushrooms for the both of you. TALK TO YOUR DOG.
You want me to take my dog on the Dmster train and blast him off to hyperspace? That would be a horrible move as a pet owner dude.
Pan is the Good and Bad in every person.
Pan is LIKE (but not exactly) "The Laws of Nature"
Pan is the Screeching warrior
Pan is the Wilderness in the world, and in our hearts
Pan is more than all this.
But Not as simple as nature, and not as broad as "life" since other gods do better jobs of explaining other aspects of it.

sorry to do this to you bro but ive seen this to many times over the past couple of days and kept to my self. but pan aka the green man is dead. a false god that never existed except in minds of others. ask your god to save you and when you die all you become is part of the object you hold dear. left in the ground a part of earth. what kind of after life are you after bro? there is better
sorry to do this to you bro but ive seen this to many times over the past couple of days and kept to my self. but pan aka the green man is dead. a false god that never existed except in minds of others. ask your god to save you and when you die all you become is part of the object you hold dear. left in the ground a part of earth. what kind of after life are you after bro? there is better
I don't think he's after an after life.. I think he just wants there to be much more meaning to natural phenomenon. I've been trying to tell him that there is still alot of meaning without pan.. But he says pan IS all of these things in himself.. so I guess you can't really argue with god logic.