my first grow! 4x Dinafem Cloud 9 :D


Active Member
hey guys was gonna update but not much point, im a little dissapointed with the plants progress, i did a small bit of lollipopping today to concentrate growth at the tops instead of popcorn that will barely get light anyway, they seem to be flowering extremely slow, dont get me wrong theyve stretched at an unbelievable rate but other than that and a few hairs coming from the budsites its been nothing. theyve been flowering now 18 days , ive read some plants stretch for 3 weeks before putting on any bud mass so im hoping this is the case here, also cloud 9 has an 11 week flowering period so mb im worried over nothing.
Whats lollipopping never heard of it. and yeah today is day 7 of flowering for me and I can see where all the bud is gunna form think Ill have pistils very soon. my two plants strecthed a ton when i switched to flower. so i feel you on that because they look like nothing is happening. but then again you are ahead of me

Yeah and thats a long flowerinf period by the 8th week your probably going to look back at the post and be like damn why did I worry haha


Active Member
Whats lollipopping never heard of it. and yeah today is day 7 of flowering for me and I can see where all the bud is gunna form think Ill have pistils very soon. my two plants strecthed a ton when i switched to flower. so i feel you on that because they look like nothing is happening. but then again you are ahead of me

Yeah and thats a long flowerinf period by the 8th week your probably going to look back at the post and be like damn why did I worry haha
i sincerely hope ur right my friend! oh and lollipopping when u trim off small branches at the bottom that wont likely produce much to concentrate growth at the bigger budsites :)


Active Member
Lollipopping usually involves cutting almost all branches form the main stem in a staggered fashion. Also known as single-cola. This can be achieved through flowering directly from sprout. Usually the result is a foot and a half cola with 8 -10 solid inches of bud on it. I grew a fuck ton of the little fists from bag seed in another life. They need very little soil, space or light throughout. I did them in 2-liter bottles with the tops cut off and holes stabbed in the bottom. Trust me, you can fit near a hundred in a small space.


Active Member
ok folks quick update day 22 of flower and theyre finally stopped stretching and are starting to put on some bud mass :D these pics highlight some budsites the overall size of the plants and i took shots of the FIMMED plant and the topped plant seperately for comparison , enjoy :) (sorry pics arent great under hps light)



Active Member
1 of them barely has any signs of budding only sex... the second from the left. its an almost pure sativa pheno. fml its prob gonna be 13 weeks or more id say.


Well-Known Member
I have only had one sucsessful grow and five faillures but this last one I let it this last one go to 20 inches under a t5 than switched to the 400 w. It is six feet tall now and just about two weeks from harvest. Someone on this board told me about the t5 to start


Active Member
I have only had one sucsessful grow and five faillures but this last one I let it this last one go to 20 inches under a t5 than switched to the 400 w. It is six feet tall now and just about two weeks from harvest. Someone on this board told me about the t5 to start
lol ok erm... i dont see the relevance to my thread of anything you jsut posted but erm.. thats nice haha :D thnx for stoppin by and i hope you never have another failed grow again :) (start a journal buddy ill stop by)


Active Member
ok so heres some bud shots... nothing to get too excited over yet bud hey its progress :) the 2nd pic where it looks like its jsut a vegging plant thats shown sex is the sativa pheno... soo sloooooow



Active Member
so theyre starting to get a lil frosty now :D ill update in a few days or so and theyre STILL stretching , went into my grow room today to find one plant almost at the bulb :/ im running out of space lol it got a little burned on one leaf but nothing to worry about really the buds are fine and the sativa pheno is slow as fuck but it definitely hasnt stopped stretching if it doesnt hurry up i might have to scrap it .. i might let it go 12 or 13 weeks and then chop it no matter what it looks like.. dont wanna run my light for one plant really


Well-Known Member
Depending on how woody the stalk is you could try pinching or lst'ing it down some. I think it was duder who told someone to use milk jugs filled with water and tie it down to that. That sounds like it would work really well as you can position the jug what ever direction you want.


Active Member
theyre pretty woody and since theres 4 big plants all crammed uner the light the only way i could lst them would be away from the light.. they dont get enough as it is and its only 250w :(


Active Member
To each there own; but, I would never trim/prune or stress a plant past week 1 of flower. After that, hands off so she can focus on nothing but gnarly buds, rather than fixing her wounds. Abuse them all you want in veg. What doesn't kill them will only make them stronger. Before flower, have them the way you want them, then switch the photoperiod. I say past week 1 because I usually wait till then to evaluate the plant a bit better after the initial growth spurt. Among other reasons, I like to make sure a branch has no chance of reaching near to the canopy before I cut it off.

You can take a stubborn fan leaf off through-out flower as a last resort to provide light to lower branch tips. After the vertical growth stops in weeks 3-4 of flower, there should be no need to cut anything because they barely grow anything but bud after that.

Looking good bro. I still laugh when I read Cockbag.
