LEAF PROBLEMS PLEASE HELP~ much appreciated!

Ok so I have 4 plants total, all showing problems of some sort.. I'll post the information,
then the PICS at the BOTTOM! THANKS :)


Lights : 3 total, 1 daylight 5000k cfl big bulb (clamp), 2 2700-3500k soft-white small bulb cfl

Age : put in box on May 1, so around 22-24 days. (3 weeks)

Watering : using a BRITA water filter, leaving it sit for 24 hours after filling it up,
then pouring some into a smart water bottle, leaving that inside my box
to adapt to the temperature overtime.

Feeding, (nutes) : None yet, need some help on it :D

Soil : Miracle Grow Potting mix

Additional info : My friend told me this was over watering, so I stopped watering for 3 days, but it didn't change anything.
soil is still a light-black, and has a lot of moisture in it.

I'm transferring to bigger plastic black pots from Lowe's in the next week

not sure the ph of my water or soil or anything, but I don't know if using a water filter is ok for the plants.
My friend in CO has been using a similar filter, and his plants are doing perfectly well ! :(

Please help guys, I really do appreciate it.. I'm a newb grower, this is my first grow! so thanks!

I also don't have any airflow, I open the door and put a box fan about 1.5 ft away
from plants and air them out for 3-4 minutes, but I have only done this 4-5 times and in the past week..


afghan curling 1.jpgbig plant curling 1.jpgbig plant curling 2.jpgbudding big plant.jpg

discolor big 1.pngbox overall.jpg




Well-Known Member
whats the wattage on those bulbs. put those bulbs 3-5 inches away from the tops of the plants. you need some airflow man, work on that itll help big time. as far as watering goes if you stick half your finger down into the soil and it feels wet DONT WATER it. you dont need nutes yet but look into fox farm nutes and maybe find some fox farm ocean forest soil to transplant into. its a great soil and as far as i can see almost everyone is using it on here. good luck man!
the soft whites are 15 but 80 watt comparison I think, and the daylight is 24 100w comp..
How would I create airflow, only fan I have is 6 inches tall 5 inches wide and pretty high power on low setting haha
If I were to put that in there it would be too powerful, and would barely fit! :(

thanks for fast reply though
I just want to find out the cause of the curling and shit of the leaves, it kinda seems like it would
be a heat problem, but I have a therm in there and it's generally around

75-79 degrees f :/


Well-Known Member
the comparison means nothing, you should be looking at the actual watts which would be 15 on the one there. its recommended 50 watts per plant so you might want to invest in some more light in the near future. thats probably not causing issues now but might soon. ya you dont want to blow the plants over, just have them barely moving back and forth. i would invest in a small fan and more light. you cant cheap out on a indoor grow believe me i tried. yes you can grow it cheap but you wont get anything good back.


Well-Known Member
I just want to find out the cause of the curling and shit of the leaves, it kinda seems like it would
be a heat problem, but I have a therm in there and it's generally around

75-79 degrees f :/
thats perfect but the plants would still love some airflow
yeah see when I bought the daylight bulb that was 5000k, I was going to get 3 of them and replace all of the soft whites
I had in there, but I only replaced one and put a clamp around it for more spectrum reflection on the healthiest plants
which I put in the middle. I thought replacing all three would stress the plants
I have looked for a small enough fan but can't find one in stores, and I have never seen any foxfarm soil around anywhere

I will get more lights for my next grow, prolly 4-5 daylights for veg, and then switch to mostly soft-whites for flowering.

it is also kinda tough to fit that much shit inside of my small grow box, as u can see in the pic, so yeah idk :/
I could get 2 more daylights 5000k or 6500k and replace the soft whites if you think it wouldn't stress them too much.. maybe add one to make 4 total? I don't know.

then I could switch some back to the less powerful smaller soft whites for flowering so there wouldn't be too much light/heat..
because the daylights seem to produce more heat due to the size and wattage of them.
View attachment 2177452

That's box and lights now, should I lower/raise the lights? they do get pretty hot and you cant grab them in your hand
without burning your hand slightly, I thought I had them too low and too hot, so I did raise them a few inches
around 2-3 days ago, and nothing got worse..


Well-Known Member
well whats the total height of your box? cause plants when done flowering and ready for harvest will be at least 2 feet tall and you give another foot or so for your pots and lighting and you need a good 3 to 3 and a half feet in there AT LEAST to finish a grow. you are going to need 6-8 of those daylight bulbs to have enough light for 4 plants and they are going to bush out and fill that box tight.

maybe find a small fan to hang blowing down from the top and hang 6-8 of the daylight bulbs around the light? that would be the best way i could see to fix your light and airflow issues. find a hydro store or order the fox farm stuff online if you want to try it.
yeah 4 ft 2 inches tall, and I just have a bar that I wedged in there that I'm hanging 3 lights from, highest wattage (daylight)
in the middle of that with a clamp around it for reflection..
check my pic of my box tho


Well-Known Member
That's box and lights now, should I lower/raise the lights? they do get pretty hot and you cant grab them in your hand
without burning your hand slightly, I thought I had them too low and too hot, so I did raise them a few inches
around 2-3 days ago, and nothing got worse..
you can probably drop them half way down from there as long as its not too hot. if you can hold your hand right over the tops of the plants and your hand doesnt burn your lights arent too low. if they burn your hand or even feels uncomfortable after 30 seconds then the lights should be raised. but as far as CFLs go like you have i believe they are fine around 3-5 inches from the tops. but then you dont have ventilation so try what i said about putting your hand under it.


Active Member
Believe it or not that MG potting mix may be too hot with P or K, IE: got past QC unchecked! I remember reading about the leaf curl with one of them. I also noticed raised bumps in I think photo 2 of 7 this was also a sign for too much P or K? Not positive though! They sure would be happier with a little movement anything is better than nothing at all. That spotting looks like a spill of some type. Make sure they are good and thirsty before you water em. Also the pots with holes on the bottom only suck for aeration. I only use saucers for watering and remove them as soon as the water is gone or within 30 minutes whichever comes first. This may help with your water retention issue. I normally try to amend potting mixes with some type of coco or perlite or something. You will be surprised how resilient this little weed can be.


Well-Known Member
yeah 4 ft 2 inches tall, and I just have a bar that I wedged in there that I'm hanging 3 lights from, highest wattage (daylight)
in the middle of that with a clamp around it for reflection..
check my pic of my box tho
well you should probably be ok for height as long as you do some quick grows. i did a 3 month grow in my 5 foot tent and was about out of room when i harvested...
you can probably drop them half way down from there as long as its not too hot. if you can hold your hand right over the tops of the plants and your hand doesnt burn your lights arent too low. if they burn your hand or even feels uncomfortable after 30 seconds then the lights should be raised. but as far as CFLs go like you have i believe they are fine around 3-5 inches from the tops. but then you dont have ventilation so try what i said about putting your hand under it.
Only when I touch the bulbs are they hot, which means they do produce a bit of heat.. but after maybe 1 inch under them you don't feel much heat.


Active Member
On second glance that curl looks like heat stress to me. it is a circular pattern that over laps to the right.


Well-Known Member
Only when I touch the bulbs are they hot, which means they do produce a bit of heat.. but after maybe 1 inch under them you don't feel much heat.
just to be safe keep your lights about 6 inches from the tops of the plants and keep an eye on the distance every 3 or 4 days and try to keep it there