How our lives will change with a President Ron Paul


Active Member
Yes, Ron Paul is horse shit and Mitt Romney is the savior of this terrible nation. Right? kiss-ass
Romney needs a security blanket for all the family his cock got him!
Second, obama didnt believe in gay marriage until it was time for re-election.obama needs back in because he feels he might get hurt after being voted out. you folks heard him three months ago when he said he just wanted to make sure his family is safe! well what about the united states families? obama will always think he deserves credit for osama bin laden. he receives more death threats then bush jr did. too many security blankets for liars in my opinion. technically we wont like anybody we elect but i think ron paul is worth a shot. I believe he would legalize cannabis in my opinion. and my final comment, I cant wait to vote obama's black az out because nothing is ever going right unless he is up giving a speech then things are good, other then that in reality its bullshit! someone might even say its not his color that’s the issue, it’s the direction he’s trying to take our country in. i think it goes hand in hand you Figure it out. just saying!


Active Member
VP Kucinich puts magic mushrooms in Prez Paul's coffee each morning so that he'll be kept busy with the Daily White House Raggae Fests,legalizes drugs and prostitution and gambling, outlaws religion, declares taxes unconstitutional, abolishes the Fed, promises every citizen a free and sound education, sends the Military home with full pensions, sells off the needless weapons and announces we have started a transition to the Barter System.
Half of the world laughs and continues on with their 14 hr work day, the other half is completey oblivious that Tiger Woods is no longer Prez

Thats more then obama is doing, he hasnt taken care of any of the troops after returning home. and obviously didnt say so during the last speech he gave on tv. the national debt increases by about 50,000 every 5-10 seconds. ron paul supports bikers, marijuana,and various other programs. I think if romney becomes president someone might shoot him. think about it the white house has been shot at, a dude in tennessee or nc somewhere was caught with a sniper rifle in his car and said he was planning to shoot obama this was like 2-3 years ago. romney is a big bully he probably bought out the other douschebags not to run. so someone will be pretty unhappy with his winning and try to shoot him just my thinking.romney held a dude down and cut his hair, two weeks prior to that they discussed pranks he pulled. then someone came forward and said he cut his hair! politics suck I admit but i swear i think it's coming. someone will probably increase the death threats to obama if not go through with it if he goes another term. ron paul ftw!


Active Member
Yes, I get angry at rich greedy fucks who get everything handed to them and then turn and say the rest of the peasants must not be working hard enough because they are not starving in gutters and they are dumb ass shits.

I do blame the Owners and the Sheeple who won't rock the Owner's boat because they are so fuckin stupid they think they will actually be in the boat with them soon. But I really don't see where you got me blaming folks? just rich greedy fucks and they are only like 1% so I don't think by hard work and no trust fund that You are Not in the Big Club. Not angry, disappointed and frustrated at the Collective Ignorance surrounding me.

Fuck, I don't even blame the dude that Murdered all my Girls and abscounded with all my furniture and cash. It's my dumb ass fault for ever dating the lazy drunk.
If you're inferring that I'm a "rich greedy fuck who gets everything handed to me", you couldn't be further from the truth. I worked for everything I have righteously, and as such I have no problem dumping bitches in the gutter who try to steal from me.

You have to realize that all people do not have the intelligence or will power to make themselves succeed, and as such they die in the gutter. This is how nature works, even in the year 2012. Just because you got you're iPhone doesn't mean you can't die of starvation in America.

It seems as though you're pushing ignorance in an attempt to justify your position, when in reality you the one at fault for your position. Explain to me how it's anyone else's fault...

The job creators don't have an obligation to give you a job. No one has an obligation to feed you. No one has an obligation to give you shelter. No one has an obligation to give you health care. No one has an obligation to give you water. Stop blaming others.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem dumping bitches in the gutter who try to steal from me.
watch out guys, we got an internet badass over here!

lol, this kid is 17 years old, works at mcdonalds, and builds the shittiest of all shit set ups with allowance from mommy and daddy, who also pay his rent and food. hence why he has to hide this abortion of a monstrosity:

You have to realize that all people do not have the intelligence or will power to make themselves succeed, and as such they die in the gutter. This is how nature works, even in the year 2012.
the angst-ridden 17 year old who just read ayn rand has no idea how nature works.

even animals not as advanced as humans take care of their young, weak, and vulnerable. that's fact.

not only do you not have any grasp on history, you have no knowledge of how nature works. :clap:



Well-Known Member
watch out guys, we got an internet badass over here!

lol, this kid is 17 years old, works at mcdonalds, and builds the shittiest of all shit set ups with allowance from mommy and daddy, who also pay his rent and food. hence why he has to hide this abortion of a monstrosity:

the angst-ridden 17 year old who just read ayn rand has no idea how nature works.

even animals not as advanced as humans take care of their young, weak, and vulnerable. that's fact.

not only do you not have any grasp on history, you have no knowledge of how nature works. :clap:

Through government?


Well-Known Member
you really want to go down this road? we can follow it to its conclusion, but remember, your usage of "government" tries to hide the fact that "government" is simply composed of people.
So animals have individual mandates and social security? Or any type of 'community pot' for that matter? You are too busy being a stupid asshole to that poor kid to realize what you are saying...


Well-Known Member
So animals have individual mandates and social security? Or any type of 'community pot' for that matter? You are too busy being a stupid asshole to that poor kid to realize what you are saying...
more like a belligerent asshole, but it's still people helping people, whether by mandate or popular vote or legislation or whatever other mechanism.

just like elephants don't even subscribe to that poor kid's mistaken idea of social darwinism.


Well-Known Member
Another indica person. I just can't find any other sativa lovers :(
Oh Canna! Mango is imho the best strain for Sativa Lovers unfortunate to be forced indoor! It's a fairly 50/50 hybrid, wouldn't you say? What the indica takes from the sativa is Height normally kick ass in the Outdoor garden, not so much Indoor, and makes up for that by magnifing the happy contentness we all seek from Sativas add that to it's usual High Yield... and like all Sativa Lovers, this shouldn't surprise you, I had my own For Only Moi, Headband... only a few, I wasn't anywhere near trying to grow such for any profit What's your fav?


Well-Known Member
more like a belligerent asshole, but it's still people helping people, whether by mandate or popular vote or legislation or whatever other mechanism.

just like elephants don't even subscribe to that poor kid's mistaken idea of social darwinism.
Clearly government is not the only way of helping one another, in fact its the least effective. Nature does not resemble any type of government, if anything it resembles complete freedom. Personal responsibility and free markets is how nature works :) . The relationship between species is mutually beneficial and isn't dictated by a higher power.

Please tell me more about nature being governed it makes me lulz. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
If you're inferring that I'm a "rich greedy fuck who gets everything handed to me", you couldn't be further from the truth. I worked for everything I have righteously, and as such I have no problem dumping bitches in the gutter who try to steal from me.

You have to realize that all people do not have the intelligence or will power to make themselves succeed, and as such they die in the gutter. This is how nature works, even in the year 2012. Just because you got you're iPhone doesn't mean you can't die of starvation in America.

It seems as though you're pushing ignorance in an attempt to justify your position, when in reality you the one at fault for your position. Explain to me how it's anyone else's fault...

The job creators don't have an obligation to give you a job. No one has an obligation to feed you. No one has an obligation to give you shelter. No one has an obligation to give you health care. No one has an obligation to give you water. Stop blaming others.
I've seen posts of yours that made real sense to me so I hope where we differ is Truly only from a difference of experience. It may seem easy to just go get a job to most, but it really Ain't...


Well-Known Member
Clearly government is not the only way of helping one another, in fact its the least effective.
bet you kent snyder agrees.


say, how our infant mortality rates and life expectancy rates doing in countries with socialized medicine and mandates? how many people lose their houses and their life savings because they got sick in those countries?

you're too much awesome for your own good.


Well-Known Member
bet you kent snyder agrees.


say, how our infant mortality rates and life expectancy rates doing in countries with socialized medicine and mandates? how many people lose their houses and their life savings because they got sick in those countries?

you're too much awesome for your own good.
Don't switch to discussing the already failed Obamacare, we are talking about how nature has a social safety net. lulercakes.

Normally i can predict where an argument is headed, never with you. Thanks for being bat shit crazy. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Don't switch to discussing the already failed Obamacare, we are talking about how nature has a social safety net. lulercakes.

Normally i can predict where an argument is headed, never with you. Thanks for being bat shit crazy. bongsmilie
health care is part of the social safety net. medicare and medicaid, anyone?

let's talk about your ludicrous claim that government provides a less effective safety net than nature does, i'll be happy to.

talk about lullercakes, you're the gift that keeps giving.


Well-Known Member
health care is part of the social safety net. medicare and medicaid, anyone?

let's talk about your ludicrous claim that government provides a less effective safety net than nature does, i'll be happy to.

talk about lullercakes, you're the gift that keeps giving.
That is not what I said, you can't win the argument that nature has government so you try to twist my words around.

I see the cut of your jig. bongsmilie

You are lawl.

Nature doesn't have a social safety net was my argument, yours was that it did, remember? Lay off your shitty swag weed you grew.

Life goes on brahhh.


Well-Known Member
Clearly government is not the only way of helping one another, in fact its the least effective.
That is not what I said...
you ranked government as the least effective method of people helping one another.

apparently, you put faith in nature instead. "personal responsibility and free markets" is what you called it.

too bad that only works in an old mcronald wet dream. just ask his aide, kent snyder.

oh, wait. you can't because kent snyder is dead. can't win the argument that nature has government so you try to twist my words around....Nature doesn't have a social safety net was my argument, yours was that it did, remember?
show me where i said nature has a social safety net, tardbot.

i'll send you a free ounce of my top shelf if you can find it and quote it.

my claim was that contrary to what cocktechnician claims, the weak are not left to die even in less advanced species. even elephants take care of their vulnerable and weak, often.

well, unless those elephants happen to come from tx-14, that is. in which case they leave them to die.

just ask kent snyder.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
you ranked government as the least effective method of people helping one another.

apparently, you put faith in nature instead. "personal responsibility and free markets" is what you called it.

too bad that only works in an old mcronald wet dream. just ask his aide, kent snyder.

oh, wait. you can't because kent snyder is dead.

show me where i said nature has a social safety net, tardbot.

i'll send you a free ounce of my top shelf if you can find it and quote it.

my claim was that contrary to what cocktechnician claims, the weak are not left to die even in less advanced species. even elephants take care of their vulnerable and weak, often.

well, unless those elephants happen to come from tx-14, that is. in which case they leave them to die.

just ask kent snyder.
Tardbot? Too funny. I'm gonna steal it.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What's your fav?
So far, Blue Dream. But it's a very unstable strain and hard to grow. Sometimes you get a indica pheno and other times sativa. Then sometimes nugs are loaded in trichs and others not. It can have dense or fluffy. It's so random. My last harvest was great, got a real psychedelic high. Extreme bag appeal is possible but it's up to the plant. Even then it might not smoke as good as the swag looking.

I really wish I could grow outdoors, like, maui waui, malawi, acupolco gold, panama red, etc. Now those are the shit.


Well-Known Member
Those are kind of the shit. They grow huge (more concerned about thieves than neighbors), and flower too long for my region. So if I were to grow them they'd finish a really dark purple (if there is no rain)... or not finish at all and be very mold ridden (likely scenario). Don't get me wrong, Panama Red would be nice if it didn't start raining till December in Cali, but that usually isn't the case.