The Great God Pan is Alive

just tell me when the $100 check that you spammed us for a year for arrives, shinfaggy. in the meantime, enjoy total bieber hotness.

Yes, you are a puss.

You can't answer simple questions because you're scared.
And you sit bumping my threads, even when I tell you that's what your doing. Which I have no problem with.

Just because you doubt I will be doing things, does not mean I have pussed out on them :dunce:
It means you're impatient.

Thanks for the bumping.
All you are doing is giving people more stuff to go search about me, helping this thread get higher rankings, and adding words so it is better primed for SEO.

Keep it up. This isn't what "trolling the shit out of me" should entail, you're not a troll. You're my number one follower :lol:

yep, i'm a puss alright.

all that following through on my plans successfully makes me a complete pussy.

whereas your relentless spamming of us makes you a beloved folk hero.

speaking of my heroes....

I hope you tell your children on all your achievements if you ever have any (have any kids).

Can I make a documentary about you?

Interview with Buck:
"See there's this guy Shaggy, and he likes it when I bump his threads. So what I do is search and sort through the gayest pictures I can, and jack off while I post them to his rants."
one more for the road. just to help failspammy in his quest to make $100 for spamming us over the course of a year.

you mean the same one you said you would get 6 month ago?


keep spamming, i'll help with some hot bumps.


Except for this time it's not an estimated time. I've got the money earned, just gotta wait for it to send. I'll show you a picture of my adsense sooner than a pic of the check :D
I hope you tell your children on all your achievements if you ever have any (have any kids).

Can I make a documentary about you?

Interview with Buck:
"See there's this guy Shaggy, and he likes it when I bump his threads. So what I do is search and sort through the gayest pictures I can, and jack off while I post them to his rants."

don't get bitter, failspammy. i'm increasing your traffic. bieber is popular stuff.

i just want to help you get that check already.

Except for this time it's not an estimated time. I've got the money earned, just gotta wait for it to send. I'll show you a picture of my adsense sooner than a pic of the check :D


spam FTW!

maybe you can afford a few more CFLs to put over those twigs you're abusing in order to produce dog poop hash that you sell on craigslist in colorado while telling us you're in california!

this should help you.

Which plans were followed through on?

Sounds like someone trying to stroke their ego.

you're right, i'm all lies. nothing i had planned for the summer has come to fruition ahead of time through hard work and planning.

but why are you getting all mad and bitter at justin bieber? he is pan, you know.

no no no no no no.... GOD no.... My urge is to burp him and put him down for the night. Blech.

so i see failspammy has more fans as evidenced by you being on his thread.

failspammy wants to say "thank you" for helping him bring in the big bucks, $100 spam checks earned over the course of an entire year.

that should pay the bills.
