I was just being silly!
And I didn't forget, my Nans house had a bomb land right out in front on the street (luckily she had just stepped away from the window that was blown in). And my family where building the ships. Not many shipyards in Edinburgh where done but Glasgow had a few more casualties I believe. One could certainly argue that this is far from being invaded though.
And back to the Lockerbie bomber. He was tried in The Hague (Den Haag) under Scottish law. He was held in Prison initially in The Netherlands where my brother in law who works for the SPS was over here for a 3 month stint guarding him. By all accounts he was a very polite, well mannered person.
The decision as I said before was made by the Scottish Government to many an angry voice. But at the end of the day the decision was taken because he had terminal prostate cancer and was for compassionate reasons. This had nothing to do with England, Wales or Northern Island, or the UK as a collective whole.
The post sounds like it is based almost on Capital Punishment. I am guessing people would have been happier if he was hung (even though the whole case was a bit shakey!!!) Ach, nae matter, at least someone got hung for it! Would that of helped the victims and their families? I don't think so. But then that's my view on Capital Punishment. Others believe in an eye for an eye.
I seriously doubt anyone would want to invade the UK now...what for? The great manufacturing infrastructure? the amazing transport system? the incredible health system? The only thing invading the UK is the Romanians, Poles, and the rest of Middle Earth, lol. But most of them just want to work by all accounts.