The UK Growers Thread!


hi guys
i live in a 3 bed semi-detached house
iv tried to work out how much electric im going to be using, iv worked it out to 30000kwh a year.
around 2500kwh per month. i am going to pay for it, don't mind the costs as long as no one comes knocking on my door!
is this guna grab the electric companys attention??
also my mains can handle 100amp
would i be able to run my lights from several wall sockets?? or would i need some wiring done


Well-Known Member
What lights you using mate, i cant be doing sums im too stoned haha. I use 3 x 600w and 3 x 400w atm but i'll be adding more 600w after the summer. Im not one for worrying about leccy use, as long as i pay for it the leccy company doesnt give a shit, they sell power so what do they care.


Well-Known Member
thanks mate, al be using 6 x 600w for flower and a t5 + 250w for veg and mothers,
i hope i dont need to do any wiring!
No worries man, ill be ditching my 400s and using 6x600w soon so dont worry about that, i live in a semi as well. I used to run 2000w plus in a one bed flat many moons ago and no problems there, as i said as long as you pay for it the leccy company really dont care its when people nick leccy and the company cant account for all the usage they start investigating. I use a contactor for 3 600w on two sockets so you shouldnt need any wiring done.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Most households these days have pretty damned high usage without having a grow going on the side. Most bedrooms will have a tv, computer, there will be coffee machines washing machines tumble driers dishwashers, these are not things that are light on their usage. My hifi and computer alone would be able to explain 1200w of power used and they are typically on for around 12 hours a day and often 18 hours come weekends. And i'm just me. As said, if you pay your bills then the power companies don't really care, they are making mulla, that makes them happy, they don't want to call the police and have them shut off that income even if it is just one account. Typically it is the police who ask the power companies for the records, and not the other way around, and by the time they are obtaining your meter records, they are at that point simply compiling evidence against you and it is a fair shout to say that at that stage you're already fucked.


do you fink i can get 10 0z per plant per light,?? im gunna scrog them
iv done 1 plant per 600w and got 6 oz before, but iv never scrogged


Well-Known Member
nice line up 3 eyes. where u get the cheesedawg?
fucking banging sun here is great.
checked grow and still sat 26 temp wise. lovely

It's from big buddha it's chem dog x cheese very popular gear everyone around here wants cuts of it huge buds but no where near as tight as the gouda or cheese or my cheesy dick lol

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
When it says £89, it says +£89, that's the small fan at around £80 + £89, the price for it is £172.49 + £34.50, so it ain't priced as if it's too good to be true it's dear as fuck, but I thot I'd spend the doe, I'm kinda goin all out on this setup, I let u know in a few weeks if it's any good
lol, yea i realised that afterwards. now its reassuringly expensive, let me know how it goes.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
do you fink i can get 10 0z per plant per light,?? im gunna scrog them
iv done 1 plant per 600w and got 6 oz before, but iv never scrogged
If you're a competent grower 8oz from a 400w light is not out of the question. So long as you have appropriate genetics (this doesn't sound like personal use lol, so not too much of an issue with using high yielders over connoisseur genetics) then you should be able to hit a lot higher than 8oz per plant (as said, if you know exactly what you're doing etc)

Given the space you are obviously working with given the lights, you might want to consider a big hydro system. It would really make life rather easy and we all know the best yield comes from hydro even if it does mean a loss of quality)


Well-Known Member
hi guys
i live in a 3 bed semi-detached house
iv tried to work out how much electric im going to be using, iv worked it out to 30000kwh a year.
around 2500kwh per month. i am going to pay for it, don't mind the costs as long as no one comes knocking on my door!
is this guna grab the electric companys attention??
also my mains can handle 100amp
would i be able to run my lights from several wall sockets?? or would i need some wiring done
ye dont steal it man i know defo not worth it bud,that would get you off to a bad start


Well-Known Member
It's from big buddha it's chem dog x cheese very popular gear everyone around here wants cuts of it huge buds but no where near as tight as the gouda or cheese or my cheesy dick lol
how do i go about getting a cheese dick lol


If you're a competent grower 8oz from a 400w light is not out of the question. So long as you have appropriate genetics (this doesn't sound like personal use lol, so not too much of an issue with using high yielders over connoisseur genetics) then you should be able to hit a lot higher than 8oz per plant (as said, if you know exactly what you're doing etc)

Given the space you are obviously working with given the lights, you might want to consider a big hydro system. It would really make life rather easy and we all know the best yield comes from hydro even if it does mean a loss of quality)
thanks, erm i usualy grow hydro in pebbles but im moving grow into large loft and im laying the loft floring myself so im not sure if the floor can handle the weight + im a bit nervous of having 200litres of water up there!! if theres a leak im fucked!!lol but i would love to give an aero system a go.i was thinking of doing some white widdow x big bud what do you think? i dont wana give up to much quality!


Well-Known Member
hi guys
i live in a 3 bed semi-detached house
iv tried to work out how much electric im going to be using, iv worked it out to 30000kwh a year.
around 2500kwh per month. i am going to pay for it, don't mind the costs as long as no one comes knocking on my door!
is this guna grab the electric companys attention??
also my mains can handle 100amp
would i be able to run my lights from several wall sockets?? or would i need some wiring done


i use a 600 and a few less that 40 watt cfls without doing washing i.e clothes n shit i use £3.50 a day on the key metre if im doing washing and that it goes up to just over £5.50 a day on the key