Help me- Help FDD

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depends on criminal record.... example... i was on probation for omething like a homeinvasion.... it got dropped to an agg. battery and some other shit like criminal trespass to a residence... while on probation i caught another charge for dealin in powdery controlled substances... they offerd me 6 years... i told them basicly to suck my dick and lets go to trial.... my lawyer filed a motion to disclose the identy of the c.i.=confidential informant.. that bitch was too scared of me to testify so even doe the state didnt wanna run me probation on top of probation at first.. they didnt want anyone to know c.i's i.d. and didnt wanna waste god knows how much money for me to go threw trial.. i got probation on top of probation... but i had to do 180 days in county to get that deal... fdd seems like a nice middle class white dude.. i think they will hook him up with probation
Did I ever tell you what a wonderful human being you are an I truly hope we can be good friends some day? :bigjoint:
.... my good friend got in trouble in peoria almost 4 years ago and the feds gave him 12 years for a ounce and having a couple guns as a felon.. if you live in peoria stay away from drugs because the dont play there.. i wish no man to be in prison its where the sain become insain..fdd i wish you nothing but the best
they are out on bail, their sentencing is july 31st. 5-40 years. i realy hope its not 5 or anything. this ridiculous. good luck fdd.
These feds are f*cking bastards that locked some good ppl up when theres crack dealers on every block in the cities. I wish them nothing but the worst in life.

I hope your well fdd n kmk. If I have sell my house for you guys will stay home I will...Its the principle of it all. WE have a tyranical out of control government. Sounds a little like the Revolutionary War era to me!!!!

But worse!!!
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