S.o.g (400 w hps )


Picture 122.jpgPicture 137.jpgPicture 136.jpg1k.jpgSum Golden Goat nuggies & sum Shake. Then the new 1000whps\mh W/new bulb. ANd the 6 mystery's that will grow under the 1000w. my buddy drama will be cultivating them in the new 4x4 tent i got but dont have room or power for now so ill help em out n spit 1/2 with em kiss-ass


Read up last nite on all the organic teas and I am hooked!:D Now I will try some on the next batch of cuts in a month. bat poo + worm poo+ sea weed+a lil 5mls of flora lish for a kick and hummic in it +gram's lassas. May be later some bone meal,fish meal, sea bird poo see what I can come up with . So how dose this mix sound to you pros to stat with? am i missing something Thnks for your input!


Well-Known Member
Looks like nute burn or a ph thing to me-- unfortunately seen in my own past grows. You may want to flush. Just my 2c.

Also, hows the temps?


Temp is 72to 79 when lights on and if i am to be using hydro schedule for the soilless mix? or soil schedule ? and if it hydro i only used half strength and plants are 1.5 weeks old ?


Well-Known Member

The temps sound just fine.

For a soiless mix (I use Promix w/Perlite), I utilize the FF hydro schedule at 1/2 strength in veg, rising to 2/3 strength after 3 weeks. The soilless medium MUST be flushed at least once every 3 weeks to get rid of the excess salts. In my grows, I will feed with most waterings, and allow for 25% run-off; that is every time I feed 25% of what I put in the pot flows out.

Also, the nutes should be at a hydro-friendly ph-- I find my results are best around 5.8.


thks i thought i should be i n hydro mode just wasn't + so ph will be 5.8 now so im good on the nute dose but could possibly not getting the right nute via ph causing my leaf to die or rust or wut ever. on another note iwas wondering if my white Rhino is a heavy feeder or if there are any good tricks to know about this strain thnks again Nite Gazer:-P


also used ff only once i week 2 not 1 nothing but water on week 1 and cut stage. dose was 5ml. grow big soil &Big bloom 15ml. per gal:wall:


Well-Known Member
also used ff only once i week 2 not 1 nothing but water on week 1 and cut stage. dose was 5ml. grow big soil &Big bloom 15ml. per gal:wall:
That sounds fine, though you may want to switch to Grow Big Hydro at some point (higher K). In terms of White Rhino's nutrient needs, I have not grown it, but understand there is significant variation between phenos (also there are differences between the Nivana, GH, and Doggies Nuts varieties). Just give them a flush at 5.8, and return to the feeding as you were (but at 5.8 ). The necrosis won't be fixed, but you should see vigorous new growth soon.


thank s i was thinking the same things just thought i wood get a pro s help. s im doing sea of green with them should i give a another week veg? or wait tell i see growth then flip em? she is very squat with dense bud kinda kushie like plant &amazing trich cover! she has glands forming in erly week 2 & and pitals at 1week 12/12 It hink she is a green house girl .


Well-Known Member
I'm no pro, but I have made enough mistakes over the years to have learned a couple things :bigjoint:

You have some height to play with in your closet (6' I think), so there is no harm in waiting for the clones to recover before going to flower-- you were probably going to transplant anyway. You should be good to go in 5 days to a week.

I am sub'd and look forward to seeing these girls get ripe and juicy.


thank s i was thinking the same things just thought i wood get a pro s help. s im doing sea of green with them should i give a another week veg? or wait tell i see growth then flip em? she is very squat with dense bud kinda kushie like plant &amazing trich cover! she has glands forming in erly week 2 & and pitals at 1week 12/12 It hink she is a green house girl .


oops thanks man . but know i was staying in the 1 gal for a sog of 9 on one side & 9 on the other 4 a month to month harvest! I should get close to 90 gz. a month 10g. each plant right or more dose that sound right? 2weeks in cut stage 2weeks veg & 8 to 9 flowering like 13 week cycles . but harvest once a month.


Well-Known Member
oops thanks man . but know i was staying in the 1 gal for a sog of 9 on one side & 9 on the other 4 a month to month harvest! I should get close to 90 gz. a month 10g. each plant right or more dose that sound right? 2weeks in cut stage 2weeks veg & 8 to 9 flowering like 13 week cycles . but harvest once a month.
Sounds good. I think I get it-- 18 plants in 1 gal in a 3x3 with staggered flowering cycles. Should work fine. I would still give them a couple of days to recover before flipping 12/12 though. No biggie either way though; go with your instinct.