What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
we had burgers and corn on the cob, with a little sausage cut up on the side, and some chips.

btw, that watermelon drink would be great with vodka or maybe dragonfruit rum

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
we had burgers and corn on the cob, with a little sausage cut up on the side, and some chips.

btw, that watermelon drink would be great with vodka or maybe dragonfruit rum
Blech. Vodka is evil incarnate. ::holding up cross:: back you demon! Back to the depths of Hell where you were spawned! BACK I SAY!!!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Heart attack burgers with potato salad and sun tea. Finally, it's hot enough to brew sun tea. I LOVE that stuff. It's worth going to Hell.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
man im at the end im broke no money no weed no fucken bread two more weeks.. FUCK ME... tuna, with a tostada no mayo no nothing.. and to drink TAP WATER... and for desert a pack of fucken ketup.. ow wait i got top romens i will have to impovise..


Well-Known Member
man im at the end im broke no money no weed no fucken bread two more weeks.. FUCK ME... tuna, with a tostada no mayo no nothing.. and to drink TAP WATER... and for desert a pack of fucken ketup.. ow wait i got top romens i will have to impovise..
we've all been there. go greek and check the bins outside the store/supermarket you'll dine well.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Dinner was a 1-2-3 MJ cake with Triple Chocolate Ice Cream with whip cream and cherries on top. Then for dessert I had an Almond Joy.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
man im at the end im broke no money no weed no fucken bread two more weeks.. FUCK ME... tuna, with a tostada no mayo no nothing.. and to drink TAP WATER... and for desert a pack of fucken ketup.. ow wait i got top romens i will have to impovise..
Churches have food banks for just that reason. Reach out they don't care that you smoke a little weed. It's free and most of them do not preach. Just be nice and say thank you, that's all they want.