Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
There was a show on PBS called "This Old Pyramid". 30 Egyptian stone masons, two American engineers and three idiot "ancient aliens theorists" built a 30 ft. pyramid, using copper and stone hand tools, in one day. The theorists came off looking like idiots. They used no modern power devices or even animals. There was nothing high tech about it. You could barely see the joints. All it takes is skilled workers and sweat. The engineers were little to no help. Thirty men who probably couldn't even read did something you idiots think can only been done with "spaceships and tractor beams". If the ancients built earthquake proof buildings, why are so few left? Nearly ALL of them fell down. The buildings are not in a line or "perfect equator like line around the world", unless you think two points lying on a line is somehow special. Any two points can be connected with a straight line. Those thinner than a piece paper joints you mention are actually up to 1/4" wide. Are there points in the joint thinner than a piece of paper? Sure, place two uneven surfaces against each other and they will touch at several places. How can you be so gullible?
LOL oh man, Im not even going to bother pointing out everything you got wrong. Best leave the skepticism to the ones actual arguments, ok? *pats head*

And I already stated that "ancient aliens" had nothing to do with this.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Wasn't replying to you.
Yes you were, Im the one who made the claims of earthquake proof buildings, and all those earthquake proof buildings (and other old buildings) are laid on a perfect equator like line around the world. They are earthquake proof because every massive piece of stone is of different shape than the other and they interlock perfectly with each other like a puzzle and you cant put a piece of paper between any of the rocks. Multiple ancient cultures on this equator like line share the same earthquake proof puzzle piece architecture, obvious proof that they had contact with each other.


Well-Known Member
Yes you were, Im the one who made the claims of earthquake proof buildings, and all those earthquake proof buildings (and other old buildings) are laid on a perfect equator like line around the world. They are earthquake proof because every massive piece of stone is of different shape than the other and they interlock perfectly with each other like a puzzle and you cant put a piece of paper between any of the rocks. Multiple ancient cultures on this equator like line share the same earthquake proof puzzle piece architecture, obvious proof that they had contact with each other.
Yeah, I seen those "earthquake proof" buildings, in ruin. Half or more of the stone scattered on the ground, no roof at all. Earthquake proof. Name 4 of these "earthquake proof" buildings (that aren't right next to each other) in a "perfect equator like line". You'll believe anything. Pretentious handle you got there, Chief.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I seen those "earthquake proof" buildings, in ruin. Half or more of the stone scattered on the ground, no roof at all. Earthquake proof. Name 4 of these "earthquake proof" buildings (that aren't right next to each other) in a "perfect equator like line". You'll believe anything. Pretentious handle you got there, Chief.
The Great Pyramids, Machu Picu, Inca temples, Puma Punku =) And about ten other ancient buildings, also the mysterious Nazca lines, and it ends at Easter Island. Still hearing no argument from you other than "your crazy".


Well-Known Member
The Great Pyramids, Machu Picu, Inca temples, Puma Punku =) And about ten other ancient buildings, also the mysterious Nazca lines, and it ends at Easter Island. Still hearing no argument from you other than "your crazy".
Better list those ten because I just mapped out Easter Island, Tiwanaku Archaeological Site,
Machu Picchu, Pachacamac, Templor Mayor ruins, and the Giza Pyramids and there is no way they are on the same great circle. I threw in Stonehenge because I know you wouldn't cheat by cherry picking only site that suited your claim. The Peru and Bolivian sites sort of line up on a northwest line with the Aztec temples in Mexico but then you add Easter Island and Egypt it throws it all off.
Here's what I have so far. Only 7 data points and your hypothesis is looking really bad. I don't think you can salvage it by adding more points.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Get ready Mindphuk! Your favorite video lol go to 1:12:00 for the list and follow the red line =)... Hmmm... You should know this if you watched the vid like you claimed you did MP...


I wasnt really thinking of the line when naming those buildings, I was just thinking of the earthquake proof architecture thats the same in every building.

Every building that has that architecture that is, there might be one or two more to add on to the ones I named.


Well-Known Member
The Great Pyramids, Machu Picu, Inca temples, Puma Punku =) And about ten other ancient buildings, also the mysterious Nazca lines, and it ends at Easter Island. Still hearing no argument from you other than "your crazy".
Never said you were crazy, just gullible. Nope not a straight line.


Well-Known Member
Get ready Mindphuk! Your favorite video lol go to 1:12:00 for the list and follow the red line =)... Hmmm... You should know this if you watched the vid like you claimed you did MP... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooy2LTJoMVM I wasnt really thinking of the line when naming those buildings, I was just thinking of the earthquake proof architecture thats the same in every building. Every building that has that architecture that is, there might be one or two more to add on to the ones I named.
So they don't line up, most have fallen apart. You got nothin'.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
So they don't line up, most have fallen apart. You got nothin'.
Uhhmm whats your definition of a straight line? You seem to be a tad bit confused, I never said they all were earthquake proof, 5 or 6 of them are. Like I said my friend, leave the arguments to the skeptics who actually attempt to "debunk" claims. Short one sentence replies make you look like an ignorant fool.


Well-Known Member
Video geographical simple to follow proof that I posted says otherwise my friend, VERY easy to follow, it takes you through that line lol.
Vid is hour and forty long. Where in vid? Watched 8 minutes of idiots talking about pile of rocks "accurate to one millimeter". I can only tolerate 10 minutes or less of idiocy at a time.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Vid is hour and forty long. Where in vid? Watched 8 minutes of idiots talking about pile of rocks "accurate to one millimeter". I can only tolerate 10 minutes or less of idiocy at a time.
*facepalm* man, do I need to draw you a map? Please be observant of what I say, I already told you to go to ONE HOUR and TWELVE MINUTES in to see the line.


Well-Known Member
The Great Pyramids, Machu Picu, Inca temples, Puma Punku =) And about ten other ancient buildings, also the mysterious Nazca lines, and it ends at Easter Island. Still hearing no argument from you other than "your crazy".
Uhhmm whats your definition of a straight line? You seem to be a tad bit confused, I never said they all were earthquake proof, 5 or 6 of them are. Like I said my friend, leave the arguments to the skeptics who actually attempt to "debunk" claims. Short one sentence replies make you look like an ignorant fool.
A straight line isn't 100 kilometers wide. Considering how fast and loose they were with their other "measurements", I doubt that number is any more accurate. You seem to think you've proven your point, but you've only proven you're REALLY gullible.


Well-Known Member
Get ready Mindphuk! Your favorite video lol go to 1:12:00 for the list and follow the red line =)... Hmmm... You should know this if you watched the vid like you claimed you did MP...
I didn't say I never saw the claim made in the video, I just didn't want to slog through it again to find it. Then as now, I took what was claimed with a grain of salt. I figured, and appear to be correct, that they cherry picked only sites that happen to fit on their 'line' including many spots without any architecture but "known" home of the gods by certain cultures. They also lie when they say it is a "hundred kilometer wide line" when just going from Pachacamac to the Tiwanaku Archaeological Site is over 1000km at a virtual right angle to the line connecting Easter Island and the Giza Pyramids. They have to ignore all of the Mayan AND Aztec ruins, pyramids and temples in Mexico as well as many other famous sites around the world such as Stonehenge in order to coincide with their 'line.' It seems to me to be an obvious case of putting a circle around some carefully chosen arrows and calling it a bullseye.

I wasnt really thinking of the line when naming those buildings, I was just thinking of the earthquake proof architecture thats the same in every building.

Every building that has that architecture that is, there might be one or two more to add on to the ones I named.
You mean architecture that holds up well to earthquakes because of 'far from perfect' joints between mud bricks?

Your whole premise is based on arrogant and frankly racist premises, i.e. there is no way these primitive people could have built x or y without special advanced knowledge. Ancient humans were as intelligent as we are and many were talented mathematicians and engineers. There are many ancient structures that show ingenious design and execution but are no more a mystery than the Empire State Building. Hagia Sofia in Constantinople has been mentioned previously. It is studied by modern engineers for it's earthquake-proof design yet it was built in 537 CE and have plenty of historical construction documentation. If Hagia Sofia could be built 1500 years ago much better than we could construct it today with all our modern technology, why is it such a stretch that the Egyptians, some of the smartest people who ever lived on this earth in any time, could build a pyramid, or the Mayans, or Incas or whoever?


Well-Known Member
A straight line isn't 100 kilometers wide. Considering how fast and loose they were with their other "measurements", I doubt that number is any more accurate. You seem to think you've proven your point, but you've only proven you're REALLY gullible.
They are stretching the truth to it's limits by saying it is 100km. See my measurement on the map I provided.


Well-Known Member
i have a friend who says a lot of crazy shit about the pyramids and aliens and december 2012.....i have heard with the leap year and days added to the calender that december 2012 was REALLY like 5 months ago...