DWC Light Dep.


Well-Known Member
So far, I'm on day 5 of giving my retired ATF mother 12 hours of sunlight, and then tossing her in the basement. She's in a 5 gallon bubble bucket. As of yet, no problems. Any warnings/helpful advice would be appreciated. So far temps in the bucket aren't out of hand, it stays shaded from a bush nearby and the plant's canopy quite effectively.

These are both from day two:

ATF top.jpg

ATF Day 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
I wanted to do a DWC grow in the carport with my rainforest66 but there is no way I could contain that plant! It would be huge and I don't know what the roots would end up doing to the sprayer with all that time to grow. Your bubble bucket seems the way to go. I will be watching...

BTW ATF is the shit! :D


Well-Known Member
The new growth is pretty easy to spot. Probably put on an inch or two since that last picture. Just put it back out at 0800 my time.

ATF top day 5.jpg

ATF day 5 side.jpg


Well-Known Member
You are going to have to support those branches during flower. How are you planning on doing that while keeping it portable?


Well-Known Member
I have alot of 3" gorilla tape to secure stakes to the sides. That stuff is like super glue on a roll. It even sicks wet.


Well-Known Member
I have alot of 3" gorilla tape to secure stakes to the sides. That stuff is like super glue on a roll. It even sicks wet.
Yeah, super good stuff...

You can get tomato cages, and by poking three holes in the lid of your bucket, you can secure the cages to your bucket lids. Then the plants grow in to tomato cages while still being in portable individual DWC buckets...thats what I'm trying out this round, though it's on RDWC, so they don't need to be portable.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, super good stuff...

You can get tomato cages, and by poking three holes in the lid of your bucket, you can secure the cages to your bucket lids. Then the plants grow in to tomato cages while still being in portable individual DWC buckets...thats what I'm trying out this round, though it's on RDWC, so they don't need to be portable.
Tomato cages would be good too, just wish I had some floating around. Sadly, I must macguyver everything at the moment.


Well-Known Member
I have no shortage of lathe around here. So I'm set for wood. I think tying them on may be preferable to taping though. Not much harder really.


Well-Known Member
ATF is finally showing hairs, sorry they're hard to pick out. The breeze was playing havoc with the macro focus.
ATF day 14 hairs.jpg

The ATF from the top.
ATF day 14 top.jpg

Since the results have been spiffy so far, I decided to let one of my Jack Herer's join in on the fun. It's on the left, ATF is on the right.
ATF day 14 JH day 8.jpg

So far, no temp problems or anything too exciting really. It's almost going too well.


Well-Known Member
Not much of note on the JH, its showing some hairs, but nothing exciting. The ATF is looking good. It's showing purple leaves outside, which it hasn't done indoors for me so far. I think it may be the temps in the high 40's these last few nights. Had some spider mite issues; but the mite spray, unseasonable weather this last week, and regular sprays with the hose now, seems to have fixed it. We shall see...

The ATF, doing well, as you can see.
ATF bud day 21.jpgATF bud side day 21.jpg

The ATF is on the left, JH on the right.
ATF day 21 JH day 14.jpg

Well, that's all for now. Hopefully this shitty weather clears up so I can get these some good sun.


Well-Known Member
subbd, and rep my man... lookin good i have good expectations tht youll be fine seen tomatoes doe hydro outdoor, and lettuce... y not hippie lettuce ?


Well-Known Member
subbd, and rep my man... lookin good i have good expectations tht youll be fine seen tomatoes doe hydro outdoor, and lettuce... y not hippie lettuce ?
Thanks for the kind words. I noticed there seems to be alot of people that ask about outdoor hydro, but nobody seems to be willing to go through with it. So far, I'm shocked it's not more common.


Well-Known Member
i love this shit...im sub'd

always wanted to do outdoor hydro....
Give it a try. You just need a bucket, nutes, an air pump for a small aquarium, and some sort of basket and medium. Should only cost you about $12, not counting nutes, to give it a try. I'm thinking of switching to lava rock from hydroton for outdoors to add some weight for windy days.


Well-Known Member
Give it a try. You just need a bucket, nutes, an air pump for a small aquarium, and some sort of basket and medium. Should only cost you about $12, not counting nutes, to give it a try. I'm thinking of switching to lava rock from hydroton for outdoors to add some weight for windy days.
i have an extra mixing tray ebb and flow system...i think im going to throw it outside in mid July...
just like 2 plants in huge rockwool cubes
are you using bleach or h2o2?


Well-Known Member
i have an extra mixing tray ebb and flow system...i think im going to throw it outside in mid July...
just like 2 plants in huge rockwool cubes
are you using bleach or h2o2?
None of the above, I also don't dechlorinate my water though. The tray could work, I was thinking about throwing my retired 9 site out around july too. Do an outdoor sog. :p


Well-Known Member
Well, time for another update. The spider mites seem to be kept at bay.

The ATF is left, Jack Herer is right.
ATF 28 JH 21.jpg

Close up of one of the ATF tops.
ATF bud day 28.jpg

That's all for now folks.