Well-Known Member
Me and my friend just started laughing our asses off. It was so random because I never saw the episode before.
You gotta play skyrim while tripping.. omfg look at the stars in that game ha.
Me and my friend just started laughing our asses off. It was so random because I never saw the episode before.
I think the only time "The Yellow Submarine" ever made sense to me, I was on mushrooms.
I think the only time "The Yellow Submarine" ever made sense to me, I was on mushrooms.
I think they were tripping on acid when they made it.
That song has never made sense to me even while tripping lol. "I am the walrus" quickly jumped up to the top of my favorite beatles songs list after I tripped on DMT.
Well, the song is one thing, but try to understand the movie sober...not gonna happen...
Yes, trying a couple sites... Problem is I live on Maui, and the pool of potentials is fairly limited. I expect a little more from someone I date, nothing more than I bring to the table myself, but a fairly equal match nontheless. Lets just say I have a tough enough time in a big city, let alone a small island... Average people bore meTRY a dating site, i signed up recently and got 64 messages the first day !!!!! shopping for a lover/partner/best friend can be fun.
Some men dislike that i know what i like and im not afraid to go for it, lol i just think they make it easier for me to recognize the good oneslol thank u
Listen Mr Grumpy pants, I aint no slut, u don't know shit about me, heaven forbid i have some fun, and yes I let my self verbally go, SO WHAT, seems ur the only one complainingeasy solution, read another thread if my vulgar skanky words offend ur precious eyes. If i was a slut I would not be this excited about a fucking penis, use logic instead of ur silly ego, jesus talk about fail lol. See i really am back hahahahaha
So u think it's ok for a young women who complains about being raped and used by men to post partially nude pics, ya again luv ur logic. Sorry i'm not ugly and i know it, i don't get jealous easily over looks, lol please u clearly just wanted to try are rip on me, but u just come off sounding like the pork swords i crave so bad, ya i lik dick, deal with it.
We all have our opinions, but I am curious why it matters enough for you to have to remain consescending after you've made your point? The way I see it- there's alot of folks out there doing things I don't approve of for MY life personally, but I'm happy to let them go on doing them in hopes that others who disagree with my lifestyle also afford me the same leniency. I'm not gay, but I figure why push to keep gay marriage illegal, it's the same mindset in others who push to keep MJ illegal. If we all just had more acceptance of one another's differences then we would all stop pushing to take away eachothers rights to freedom and personal happiness. I doubt anything April says really hurts you, so let her do her thing, and hopefully others will let you do yours, even if they disagree- is my logic. In today's day and age too many people seem interested in making sure others rights are taken away to be different than they are, the net result being all of us repressing ourselves and only the government stands to win more control over the people and we all doing it to eachotherOh, at the end of the day it doesn't matter what i think of her. The fact still remains that you appear to be a slut and a hypocritesorry if it upset you that i'm telling it how it is. And yes, i'm the only one pointing it outt (not the only one who agrees with it though
) but you're on a thread full of blokes, of course they're not gonna care two bits if you at all slutty, they couldn't care less, free dirty talk, wahey!
omg a girl is talking all sexy like, maybe if i compliment her she'll say some more. I and others have held this opinion of you long before the recent posts of yours in this thread
Seems i can't read this forum without running across posts from you talking about your pussy or flirting with everyone left right and center
As i say, i'm not the only one who thinks this so maybe take a second to think about that instead of simply stating that youa re not a slut, because remember, you're not the one who get's to decide if you're actions are like those of a lsut, we're the ones who get to make that call
Oh, at the end of the day it doesn't matter what i think of her. The fact still remains that you appear to be a slut and a hypocritesorry if it upset you that i'm telling it how it is. And yes, i'm the only one pointing it outt (not the only one who agrees with it though
) but you're on a thread full of blokes, of course they're not gonna care two bits if you at all slutty, they couldn't care less, free dirty talk, wahey!
omg a girl is talking all sexy like, maybe if i compliment her she'll say some more. I and others have held this opinion of you long before the recent posts of yours in this thread
Seems i can't read this forum without running across posts from you talking about your pussy or flirting with everyone left right and center
As i say, i'm not the only one who thinks this so maybe take a second to think about that instead of simply stating that youa re not a slut, because remember, you're not the one who get's to decide if you're actions are like those of a lsut, we're the ones who get to make that call
I'm not going to call April a slut, but I do hate it when she starts talking down about Kuroi. I remember when yous acted like friends and I think it is rude to come to someone elses thread and say,"she is not my friend". If that is how you feel then why can't you make a thread about "loving some hard dick" and just leave Kuroi out of it ?
Why don't u read another thread if this one is bothering u so muchso many others u could post in also
spread ur wings and fly little birdie ....