Club 600


Well-Known Member
DST that dinner wasd awesome!! Mrs dst must mave been very pleased.

HS that romulan looks great, with a similar structure and look to my C99.


Well-Known Member
forecast says it might rain today/night. I am worried about my outside girls as they are in week 3-4 flower right now​



Well-Known Member
Great bud & food pR0n guys!

Am having a bad week in the DB house hold.
Our middle cat has had a malignant tumor for a while and last week it went critical, so today is her last day.
She's 10 years old, a grey tabby, and sweet as a bucket of sugar.
She was the runt of her littler, and could fit in my hand when we adopted her.
She was always so scared, so I carried her in the front folds of my bathrobe for a few months like a mama kangaroo.
She was always our special needs A.D.D. kitty, but always sweet & gentle.
She's going to be missed around here, and I'm probably going to be out of commission for a few days.
But I'll be lurking, and I expect to see lots of pR0n on display, from seedlings to harvest-time massacres, and food pR0n to keep the tummies rumbling.
I hope you all have a good day, and if you have a dog or cat, give them a scratch behind the ears from Uncle Doobie.


Well-Known Member
Awesome looking pasta.

Just re-set up my room after moving it from the garage into a spare room. Gotta throw up a few oscillating fans and clean up and it will be good to move the girls into tonight.

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Well-Known Member
Great bud & food pR0n guys!

Am having a bad week in the DB house hold.
Our middle cat has had a malignant tumor for a while and last week it went critical, so today is her last day.
She's 10 years old, a grey tabby, and sweet as a bucket of sugar.
She was the runt of her littler, and could fit in my hand when we adopted her.
She was always so scared, so I carried her in the front folds of my bathrobe for a few months like a mama kangaroo.
She was always our special needs A.D.D. kitty, but always sweet & gentle.
She's going to be missed around here, and I'm probably going to be out of commission for a few days.
But I'll be lurking, and I expect to see lots of pR0n on display, from seedlings to harvest-time massacres, and food pR0n to keep the tummies rumbling.
I hope you all have a good day, and if you have a dog or cat, give them a scratch behind the ears from Uncle Doobie.
Man Doob sorry to hear about your cat. I feel for ya and the family.
Ill give my pups some luv from Uncle Doob alright.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Great bud & food pR0n guys!

Am having a bad week in the DB house hold.
Our middle cat has had a malignant tumor for a while and last week it went critical, so today is her last day.
She's 10 years old, a grey tabby, and sweet as a bucket of sugar.
She was the runt of her littler, and could fit in my hand when we adopted her.
She was always so scared, so I carried her in the front folds of my bathrobe for a few months like a mama kangaroo.
She was always our special needs A.D.D. kitty, but always sweet & gentle.
She's going to be missed around here, and I'm probably going to be out of commission for a few days.
But I'll be lurking, and I expect to see lots of pR0n on display, from seedlings to harvest-time massacres, and food pR0n to keep the tummies rumbling.
I hope you all have a good day, and if you have a dog or cat, give them a scratch behind the ears from Uncle Doobie.
Sorry to here about your child(cat).

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Great bud & food pR0n guys!

Am having a bad week in the DB house hold.
Our middle cat has had a malignant tumor for a while and last week it went critical, so today is her last day.
She's 10 years old, a grey tabby, and sweet as a bucket of sugar.
She was the runt of her littler, and could fit in my hand when we adopted her.
She was always so scared, so I carried her in the front folds of my bathrobe for a few months like a mama kangaroo.
She was always our special needs A.D.D. kitty, but always sweet & gentle.
She's going to be missed around here, and I'm probably going to be out of commission for a few days.
But I'll be lurking, and I expect to see lots of pR0n on display, from seedlings to harvest-time massacres, and food pR0n to keep the tummies rumbling.
I hope you all have a good day, and if you have a dog or cat, give them a scratch behind the ears from Uncle Doobie.
My heart goes out to you friend as I too have several cats and dogs and they are all loved-no matter how bad they chewed up my billfold earlier today. I have 3 litters of kittens running around here now and wish you weren't so far away so you could have your choice-there are 4 grey tabby's, 2 sylvesters-black and white and a white with black spots, a grey and white and a black (runt) who all need a good home as I am closing the cat factories.
here's 2 this am



Well-Known Member
Damn Doob. Rough day. It's so hard with pets because most of the time it's us 'deciding' when they are going to go. What a horrible thing to ever have to decide. I think about losing one of mine constantly and half the time come to the conclusion it might be worth not having pets at all, just to not go though the heartache of losing them. We will all be thinking of you two humans and your little one. I'll give wrigley (our grey one) a lot of extra attention today.

I'm glad we could all be as much a part of your little ones life as we were. She is a 6er forever.

One thing I know... she has a great group waiting for her in kitty heaven.

Hugs to you and the Mrs Doob. :(


Well-Known Member
Doob, soory to hear about your kitty, i hope she feels better!!!

DST I am sure Mrs DST was thrilled when she came home to that spread! You got skillz my friend, I would pay top dollar for that spread in a restaurant.

Duch congrats on getting the larger place, do you need help getting Larry out? I just moved from a 1 bedroom apartment to a house with a large yard. Almost a culture shock for me cause I have so much space.

Have a great day Sixerz!




Well-Known Member
The putting in place of my buddies plants went well. We started around 10pm and I finished up about 530am. The grow space is actually 8' x 12' (2.4 x 3.7 m ). We took them all out, put in the board for the screen, trimmed them all down quite a bit, then put them back in with the screen in place. There were some other little things, but that was about it.

I definitely think the amount of popcorn to trim went way down. I think this will be looking amazing in a few weeks. At least I hope so.

Description in the titles... just put your mouse over each pic
(sure would be nice to have the pictures upload in the order one picked them)
I'm in there waiving to you all. I'm 5'10 by the way.


Well-Known Member
damn jig wish my room was that clean. If my current growing area wasnt temporary I would have put more time into it. But right now i've got 5 week old girls that need to get flipped asap so just kinda threw my shit together.


Well-Known Member
I def can relate and have compassion for anyone who has lost or is loosing a pet :( it is not an easy thing to go through, you are in my prayers!


Well-Known Member
Doobie, very sorry to hear about your kitty. 10 years is a long time, I'm sure she'll be very missed. Thinking of you this weekend as you guys go through this.

Jig, that is really impressive! I hope your friend is very grateful for all your help.

Hey FM. Larry's leaving on his own so all's cool there. Not a day too soon. I'm hoping to maybe have a little influence with picking the new folks to move in.

On a good note, my wife finally got a call for a job interview today and even though the appointment isn't for a few weeks (???) it's a nice change and a good way to start the weekend.

MJ, nice new piece you got there. Loving the big buds! :weed: