Bulletproof Glass Collection

Wait, dank can't cant request to have a public discussion on his own thread? That's fairly confusing. I was invited here to have this discussion...

Again here is the deleted post:


Its absurd that the admin is differentially upholding site rules.
Why don't you private message him? Oh yeah, you love the attention.
It's the same person over and over and over. I have no problems with anyone but u and astanker.
Anyone? Anyone have any complaints? Please feel free to post.
How can you possibly say no one else has complained? Oh wait... you deleted their complaints.

So there was cannabineer, and jdro, and panduh, and snuden. Let me go through the thread and find the rest. Oh wait, again, you just delete all complaints after attacking the person for expressing their opinion.

*** Sr. Verde has complained about shipping times (I realize he is a fan of yours but he has made complaints). Mr. Greenthumb complained as well about shipping times.

Oh and there was the time Sr Verde very politely mentioned the hole size of a pipe and wow how you jumped on him. That was interesting to watch. I think you finally made Sr Verde apologize for saying his friend would have liked a smaller hole.
I didn't delete them. U stupid? I gotta repeat that over and over?
Snuden-had conflict between China glass and ripping off companies -
Since we.have decided to.let it go..

Panduh-we have no.problem. he asked for a panda shaped bubbler and I couldn't make it. We have.no problem.

Canibaneer-he got his.prize and I have no problem with him. I think were good also

Jdro- sent me something to trade. I didn't make anything he wanted and I shipped it back. We also are still friends.
You're seriously saying none of them complained? There a button at the bottom and top of these pages that lets you look at older pages. Hell I still have complaints from canabineer in my inbox... And yes, you deleted several of those early complaints. Some of the China crap might have been deleted by potroast but that was only after you deleted most of them yourself. Honesty isn't that hard man. Practice.

If I get banned from RIU due to your lies then it is what it is.
Panduh, Verde, snuden, cannabineer, Jdro do we have a problem? Or is this guy pulling you into his immature actions also?
Admin deleted 85 posts. Ask him please. Not me. Why can't you just stop modding? Why are you making this retardedly huge? I just want to go back to how it was before you came in 3 days later to start shit.
Perhaps just delete all posts by users other than yourself. This could be a fun read as long as we pretend you're schizophrenic...
Didn't rolli tell u to stop posting in my thread? Wassup?

And btw, he is dwelling on one transaction that happens months ago. All other 1296 orders from riu went perfectly. Just one transaction were i took long to ship him his free prize. That's it. I have never ripped anyonr off. These are lies and bad Intel. I don't have to even say it. All my customers know I take care if them. Even send them 100$ of free glass when there order doesn't get done in time for a birthday. And still ships the original piece (order was only 80$ to begin with and they get 180$ worth of glad free. It was three pipes and a jar I sent free also. Not just a little sorry. A fuckimg huge sorry.

And ill admit I had horrible shipping skills. I worked a 9-5 and had to give people my packages to ship. Since then I quit that job and am glass full time. I ship in 1-2 days tops now if the item is made. Garunteed or its free. Also custom orders are paid after its made. Not beforehand.