Club 600


Well-Known Member
After a long night awake and all day waiting for the time, we decided that it's too early to have her put down.

Plus she hid under the bed as soon as she heard the pet carrier being readied (she HATES those things) and the only way to get her out would be to take apart the bed and herd her, snatch her up and get her in the carrier, and the vets office will be closed by then.
We don't want her last times with us to end like that, so we are just going to keep her comfortable, for as long or as short of time that is, until it it's truly apparent that it's time.
It may only be a few days, a week, two weeks, whatever, but she just doesn't seem like she's in any more pain than recovering from her biopsy from last week, so we are going to monitor her closely through the weekend and see how she does, but her appetite is good, and she's as mobile as ever, so I just don't think she's ready to go.
We have two vets lined up in case she has an emergency, so if she gets bad fast, we can at least make sure she doesn't suffer long.
In the mean time, we have or little girl for a few more days at least, and I am happy for that.
I haven't slept much in the last week, and haven't slept for two days now, nor eaten much, so the wife picked me up a burger & fries that I'm about to re-heat and wolf down.
A huge thanks to all the well wishers!
One of the many reasons why I love Club 600.

The other day someone mentioned auxins, and I doodled out the basics of another rap/R&B song.
Just a first draft that will need lots of TLC:

"Olly, Olly Auxin Free"
©2012 DoobieBrother

Plant auxins
in relation to tropisms,

both geo
and photo,

are hormones
regulating cell growth
using their concentrations
and accumulations

with regards to
and location

relative to the source
of both gravity
and light.

Super Crop
or LST

are the means to make your plants
behave in ways they wouldn't otherwise

by bending
or cracking
and skewing their skies

thus making them believe in our incredible lies.

To promote cell growth
expose hidden bud sites to light
Think in horizontal planes
let your girls flex their genetic might.

Adapting to conditions
at the flip of a switch.
Can't wait to smoke her
makes my third eye itch

From clone
From seed
They grow
We feed
They love
We need
Huge piles of weed

If you want to make your flowers
follow your flow
Then perpendicular to the light source is the way to go,
but if you're finger-banging Mother Nature better keep it on the down low.

Olly, olly
auxin free...


Well-Known Member
Man do they have intuition!
She's already calmed back down to "normal" (she's a twitchy cat who gets scared easy), and is now resting on her blanket-pad in the main bedroom like nothing else is going on.
Both the wife & I are relieved, and I know Cricket can sense that.
We'll take it one day at a time with her, but we both feel we made the right choice, so there is calm in the household tonight.


Well-Known Member
DEVILS are on their way to the Stanley Cup Finals. I am going on line and looking for tickets, they will play in LA for game 3 and 4. Never been to a Cup game so I cant let this one go by. I gotta get tickets.

Duch congrats to the wifey, hope she lands the job. Extra cash is always a bonus.

Doob, so sorry bro, keep your chin up.

Peace Sixerz



Well-Known Member
One of the sexiest fucking things iv seen in a long time :-) Like a whole gang of long legs and short skirts lol,,,, not to mention their all bent over and shit ;-) ok ok Ill stop.
The putting in place of my buddies plants went well. We started around 10pm and I finished up about 530am. The grow space is actually 8' x 12' (2.4 x 3.7 m ). We took them all out, put in the board for the screen, trimmed them all down quite a bit, then put them back in with the screen in place. There were some other little things, but that was about it.

I definitely think the amount of popcorn to trim went way down. I think this will be looking amazing in a few weeks. At least I hope so.

Description in the titles... just put your mouse over each pic
(sure would be nice to have the pictures upload in the order one picked them)
View attachment 2183815View attachment 2183814
I'm in there waiving to you all. I'm 5'10 by the way.
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Hey MJ, thats a great picture, what more can a man ask for, big buds and perfect boobs! jk, I like the painting more than just that l-) Whats the size / medium? Feels good to get that block done with,,, open the flood gates!
Hey guys!

Sorry for the long wait but I hit a serious artists block but my latest Mary Jane is complete and this thread was a big part of my inspiration.

So meet Mary Jane Hyde who is checking out her "plants". Hope you all like!

Awwwwwwwwwwwww shit! :hump:

Tea Mmmmmm lol

Nice pic mj
Crazy feeling to have your team in something :clap:

DEVILS are on their way to the Stanley Cup Finals. I am going on line and looking for tickets, they will play in LA for game 3 and 4. Never been to a Cup game so I cant let this one go by. I gotta get tickets.

Duch congrats to the wifey, hope she lands the job. Extra cash is always a bonus.

Doob, so sorry bro, keep your chin up.

Peace Sixerz

Talk about baller status lol.
I didnt appreciate hockey until I tried my had at skating, and then I saw a live game :shock: wow.

yeah and 1st row behind the net is 9,000.00

Phishtank that room is nice and those ballasts pretty damn sweet. Augmented co2 im guessing?

DST that FSM pr0n is epic lol

Doob Im thinking of you and yours,,, rest easy buddy.


Well-Known Member
DST that's a badass meal..

I wish I had time to cook more! Awesome! Good to see old members and new in the 600.

Happy holiday weekend to all of you, keep your nugz frosted, your tents cool and your pipes packed!



Well-Known Member
That is freaking aweseom Jig. So is the guy giving yoiu half his yield? lol cause I reckon you probably just doubled it for him.
The putting in place of my buddies plants went well. We started around 10pm and I finished up about 530am. The grow space is actually 8' x 12' (2.4 x 3.7 m ). We took them all out, put in the board for the screen, trimmed them all down quite a bit, then put them back in with the screen in place. There were some other little things, but that was about it.

I definitely think the amount of popcorn to trim went way down. I think this will be looking amazing in a few weeks. At least I hope so.

Description in the titles... just put your mouse over each pic
(sure would be nice to have the pictures upload in the order one picked them)
View attachment 2183815View attachment 2183814
I'm in there waiving to you all. I'm 5'10 by the way.
View attachment 2183816
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Well-Known Member
Nice bud ^^^ bongsmilie

Soooo anyone ells notice the rep given thing with the "reputation power" lol I dont know why but the rep power thing made me laugh. My rep power is 145 whats yours? lol

Late morning for me! I dont sleep this late very often anymore. I got more tomatoes to prune and train today, I did two 75 foot rows yesterday and got 2 more rows to do today.