Had to make a major change...


Active Member
Okay, so we know that I have upgraded to a 600 watt HPS light from the two 150 watt HPS lights. Well I really didn't think about how I was going to keep things in the closet cool, well, I figured seeing as to how I am only using the room as a storage room anyway I might as well move the light into the room. So I guess at this point I am no longer a closet grower.

And here is what we have, please tell me what you think and if there is anything you would do with this space. The window as you can see is usually covered all the way I just have it cracked for now due to a cool breeze that is coming through the house. Please keep in mind that I am renting and don’t want to mess up the walls.

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Here is also an update to my re-veg clone of Purple Elephant.

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