Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


New Member
Fim although i encourage people joining the army to gain knowledge and a good pension only if A Government could actually use it properly instead of sending them to war that doesn;t effect homeland of you look at the world today prob the most hated people are americans and it all starts from greed


Well-Known Member
AYE light
i hear ya
dont say dat shit in front of my son dough

an i agree we have spent so much
an always have $$ for war
nada for da poor

cost of wars are one of the reasons we are geting laped in the race now

the fact that we had a 12 cylender car in the race against 6 cylinder cars -an only used the white cylenders cause the other cylenders were black --is another reason we are loosin the race now

we used to threat now every one has da bomb

we used to buy now we borrow

our doller used to have gold behind -then silver - now nothing

we used to be a contender and feed the world we gona need sumbody to feed us

its a shame

i dont like to look at the true pic

it hurts

cause im a old timer
an member da time

I an I



Well-Known Member
dats very nice dere guy
i peeped dat out sumwher befor
maybe fms house not sure
but dat be showin up quite correct
nice job
you were askin on amber trichs so early in flower

dats why i tell the kids you cant get hung up on no one way to tell the finish
must view each as input no one as deciding factor
i have heard of sum that just use one and its final to them

al items have input
trichs is high point score
but fan leeavs
bud color
calyexs swell
all factors of input
nune worthy of being final on its own

thts why i do tests on myself just let plant tell me when its finish
dont follow calender dont member when in
just go by look of buds start diff times and all diff buds wit diff finishes

but sad for those single lock ins gona get fooled one day
all the gals be different

in one way or another like snowflakes

look da same until close observation

I an I



Well-Known Member
looks great bro ,great strains..i say keep yure son close to home managing yure marijuana field,,chk this purps out.


Well-Known Member
AYE light
i hear ya
dont say dat shit in front of my son dough

an i agree we have spent so much
an always have $$ for war
nada for da poor

cost of wars are one of the reasons we are geting laped in the race now

the fact that we had a 12 cylender car in the race against 6 cylinder cars -an only used the white cylenders cause the other cylenders were black --is another reason we are loosin the race now

we used to threat now every one has da bomb

we used to buy now we borrow

our doller used to have gold behind -then silver - now nothing

we used to be a contender and feed the world we gona need sumbody to feed us

its a shame

i dont like to look at the true pic

it hurts

cause im a old timer
an member da time

I an I

It used to be that the bigger the army of the empire or country ...
The more powerful it was ...
Nowadays ... everything global ..the internet, more rights...more westernized nations... things changed alllot...

One things for sure we still will take out any country ...theres really no one fucking with us... except maybe china...


Well-Known Member
you correct for now cheese

we are past our prime age

we are becoming old feeble l

ike a 80 year old poor man
not an 80 year old rich
cant continue to take care of itself

all bridges dams structurs bult when we were strong now fallen apart on us
one day sumtin like holland tunnel gona collaps
we used to be able to buld things to last hundreds of years
things we built yesterday fallen down already

our economy at depression recession but nobdy wants to say those words
we got a lot more down to go in our market before we level then start to turn around
sorry to say that i dont like to hear it but its the truth i still dabble in the stock market
an it has not been this bad in a while and its globally down as countrys dive market dive


Well-Known Member
As yure stock broker i highly advise yu to take the money and run,lol..i invest in Cannabis Futures its soaring,lol.


Well-Known Member
Bill dat Stank Ape pretty much a best of burden wit dem trichs its carryin
even da pistils loaded down the tent of purple just adds to its alure

again nice cross