NUTES? what and when


I was wondering what is best for outdoor grows liquid nutes like advanced nutrients or granular like 13-13-13 or a combination of both.


Well-Known Member
ive tried various methods, liquid and granual, synthetic and organic. this year i decide to go cheap and simple to see how it goes. im using 10-10-10 with lime and azomite in the soil and i think its working just as good or if not better than anything else ive used.


I would say it depends. Container growing outside would lend itself more to liquid fertilizers, though if you get a lot of rain that could wash away nutrients before the plants can use them. In the ground there's even less to prevent the liquid nutes from seeping away from the root zone of your plants so I would be even less likely to recommend liquid nutrients.

Not to say they won't work, just that it can be more difficult to make sure they work.

Just FYI, you don't have to choose between Advanced Nutrients and dry granular fertilizers - AN does make a dry fertilizer called Heavy Harvest. Do a YouTube search for "Brown Dirt Warrior" and check out some of his videos. He grows outdoors exclusively and uses Heavy Harvest. His newest videos cover the methods he uses to grow really well, there is a lot of great info in them.


Well-Known Member
if you use granular nutes you give away any control you have...if you over feed you're will you flush?
you gotta be rich if you want to use AN nutes would cost like $800 for the full line and they wont last the whole season..(i have done was a mistake)
i will never buy another AN product...they sell snake oil...
now,i use maxsea outside...i have also used jack's classic in the past....i liked both... they should cost less than $100 (idk garden you garden's size) for the whole season...
i feed a 5 gallon bucket to each plant (in 100 gallon smart pots) once a week...
when they start to bud use half grow/half bloom for 2 weeks
good luck....
i even started using maxsea inside...


Well-Known Member
I use granular nutes like Maxigro. I've seen people just dump the stuff on the ground and water on top of it but I just mix up 5 gallons per plant and pour it in.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering what is best for outdoor grows liquid nutes like advanced nutrients or granular like 13-13-13 or a combination of both.
That's the perfect 'OPINION' question.
So many variables will make one brand/ type better for one person than the next.
My suggestion would be to read, read, read, and see what you can find somebody doing that is as close as you can get to the conditions you have, then base your decision on that.


Active Member
I went with Heavy harvest this past season and I'm very pleased with the results. 1x month and your done. Simple. Almost $200 total for the entire season, but the return in yield more than makes up for it.


Active Member
if you use granular nutes you give away any control you have...if you over feed you're will you flush?
you gotta be rich if you want to use AN nutes would cost like $800 for the full line and they wont last the whole season..(i have done was a mistake)
i will never buy another AN product...they sell snake oil...
now,i use maxsea outside...i have also used jack's classic in the past....i liked both... they should cost less than $100 (idk garden you garden's size) for the whole season...
i feed a 5 gallon bucket to each plant (in 100 gallon smart pots) once a week...
when they start to bud use half grow/half bloom for 2 weeks
good luck....
i even started using maxsea inside...

Maybe you have seen this by now, but Heavy Harvest is granular time release and it is super inexpensive. Add some carboload for another $20-40 bucks and that should do it. Throw some less expensive Benys in the mix and get even better results. If your (rich) lol, go with a bloom booster.. If more people realized the possibilities with AN and not just assume you need every single bottle on the shelf, you would have great results and less hate. Ive run close to the full line, half the line and just the base before. There is certainly advantages to their additives, but you can work within a budget just fine and get great results. I havnt used MAXI before, but I hear that is also a nice granular for about the same price.