i whant grow some LSD need help !!!!


Well-Known Member
hi i whant grow some lds what i need ??? and what is the price
This is somebody's lame joke right?
I've always believed there to be a level of intelligence beneath which you simply lose the ability to remember to breathe, and this is placing it all in jeopardy...


Well-Known Member
You'd need access to a laboratory and chemicals to make LSD - it doesn't 'grow'. If you are meaning mushrooms, you'd need the mushroom spore but once you had that, they are pretty easy to grow. You'd probably be better off obtaining some Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds which are a natural source of LSD. but I've heard that they are pretty nasty to ingest and cause moderate to extreme nausea in a lot of cases.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of anyone growing LSD, but didn't it originate naturaly for a fungus on Rye? Or some crap like that...


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of anyone growing LSD, but didn't it originate naturaly for a fungus on Rye? Or some crap like that...
You're thinking of ergot, a disease that attacks rye grain. It contains an alkaloid called ergotamine.
From wikipedia:

"Ergot contains no lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) but instead contains ergotamine, which is used to synthesize lysergic acid, an analog of and precursor for synthesis of LSD. Moreover, ergot sclerotia naturally contain some amounts of lysergic acid."

Good luck trying to get high off that though.. You're sure to see some shit, but you may not make it to tell anyone about it...


Well-Known Member
You're thinking of ergot, a disease that attacks rye grain. It contains an alkaloid called ergotamine.
From wikipedia:

"Ergot contains no lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) but instead contains ergotamine, which is used to synthesize lysergic acid, an analog of and precursor for synthesis of LSD. Moreover, ergot sclerotia naturally contain some amounts of lysergic acid."

Good luck trying to get high off that though.. You're sure to see some shit, but you may not make it to tell anyone about it...
Gotta love wikapedia. Thanks dude. I know it something to do with rye.


Well-Known Member
hi i whant grow some lds what i need ??? and what is the price
I agree, this type of mentality just isn't safe.
This guy clearly knows nothing about LSD and yet is more than willing to produce it and likely consume some.


Well-Known Member
to grow LSD to need to stick you head in a bag...and then inhale and just keep breathing give it a try hopefully you won't be able to tell me how it works out for you...


To0 Much Dr0

Well-Known Member
hi i whant grow some lds what i need ??? and what is the price

wow everything this kid posts on this actually is a lie lol he is just posting stuff to look cool lol jk dude but thats dangerious to try and make if ya dot know what your doing


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol that was funny I never heard anyone ever think you grew lsd..that said you dont need to have it as its way to much for you too hanlde.Grow some weed,salvia or shrooms stay away from lsd you ll hurt yourself


Well-Known Member
to make lsd just get some sulfuric acid and some potassium hydroxide, pour one into the other, and make sure not to wear goggles or gloves