I had a thread like this some time last year when I couldnt roll either. Practice practice practice.
For me, the learning to tuck extra paper was easy. So place all your weed into the paper.
Roll between fingers for correct thickness and length. Then, act like your folding the paper. The side without glue, your going to fold until its under the glue strip of the other side. Its not a true fold though, because when its like that, you will roll the weed towards the glue, and it tucks the paper in tightly, so no weed escapes and you made your first step towards finishing the joint.
Now, after that first tuck and roll, roll upwards. slowly, making sure thickness and that your paper stays tucked. the more up you roll towards the glue, roll between thumbs and forefinger. but now it should be all nicely rolled, waiting to seal.
Lick the glue, and quickly do the final roll between thumb and forefinger.
you get this.
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