Hello: Tammac
There are many process out there on how to flush I myself spent a lot of time studying this and got a flushing agent from Advanced nutrients final phase check it out
I myself would not water unless shes needs it like for example when the top 2 ins. is dry and she feels light to da lift I myself leached my plants once at the end of da veg cycle and once or twice durning da flowering cycle caues I use higher levels of nutes basically I made up a 4.5 litre mix of food and water poured it over the base of the pot and let a litre or so drain out da bottom of da pot so if you normally feed her 3 litres use 4 maybe 4.5 litres this method I think is leaching flushing is more aggressive oh I allways PH my water to 6/6.5 I think is good for soil
Saw this quote from a forum not sure which one I hope its helps you -
Default Flushing with Final Phase - When all tricomes have turned cloudy
First of all everyone has been wrong so far...
Lesson #1 Call the Advanced Nutrients help line, they will answer any question quickly and effectively and you don;t
have to sift through WRONG answers and fuck up your harvest.
Direct from AN Helpline
"Water in the Final Phase just enough so that it saturates the soil, maybe a tiny bit of runoff...Let it sit in your
soil for 6 hours, then water with plain PH'd water until it runs out the bottom, THAT"S IT !!!"
Water as needed before you pull.