Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
Thats exactly how my grape kush came out. the one i have in 12/12 from seeed is growing straight up, no branching at all. I'm waiting for that spear to form. Cuz that was a bad bitch .


Well-Known Member
They dont grow side branches? That is crazy!

Actually I have a Cindy in veg right now that has no side branching, I figured it was because of mites and me picking off infected leaves.
I think I have the mites down though. Neem neem and more neem!!!


Well-Known Member
They dont grow side branches? That is crazy!

Actually I have a Cindy in veg right now that has no side branching, I figured it was because of mites and me picking off infected leaves.
I think I have the mites down though. Neem neem and more neem!!!
ughhhh.. fuckin tell me about it man... fuckin spider mites suck assssssssssssssssssss! i still have yet to fully rid myself of them. ive had them for a year or more now.. ive even shut everything down. cleaned everything started up again.... and sumhow... they return.. its fuckin ridiculous!!


Well-Known Member
Damn guys, sorry to hear of mites!

Too bad there's not a parasitic wasp or some kind of non-stinging, carnivorous ant that could chow down on spider mites. Theyre just so damn small! Maybe I should work on mycelial attack methods and start shipping out petri dishes!
Ive seen there is a fungi that makes zombie ants that do their bidding(the ants act very impulpsively, and climb to the top of the canopy just in time for the mushroom to sprout from it's body and spreads more spores).
Maldo fungi that rid homes of termites, so it is definitely a possibility. Just need a colony of mites and a few samples of the species that are carnivorous, then I could test.


Well-Known Member
ive heard lady bugs can help. spider mites arent their 1st choice of food... but if theres nothing else to eat... im sure theyd eat them... funny i was lookin at the soil in my pots of my flowering plants... one of them has lil friggin mushrooms growing out of them!!!!!? lmfao. ive heard of small seedlings/plant lookin things growin. but never mushrooms...


Well-Known Member
I have had some mushrooms in my outdoor pots b4. I think it was from over-watering? Idk maybe the soil was crappy I used.
There are predatory mites that are better than ladybugs, but they cost plenty and can be vulnerable to certain weather conditions. But they are immune to most organic pesticides I believe.

I have been embarrassed to show some pics for risk of being shunned from the mite damaged foliage I posted lol.

I am using a 3 way spray neem DE and Spinosad. The problem is I am a stoner and I am not organized. I am using my notepad on pc now and keeping track of dates I spray. I am now down to just the neem every 3rd day. The girls actually like the neem and non anti-bacterial or concentrated (basically use generic)dishsoap mix as my clones that were riddled with mite damage after some leaf pulling and continuous spraying look almost presentable now


Well-Known Member
Hey, just remember, mycorhizzae is a fungi. There are endo(inside roots) and ecto(outside the roots). Ectorhizzal mycelial mats form in the soils and bring nutes to the plants.(they can even sense if one plant needs more or less of something).
The only real way for continuing the life cycle after its already colonized a potted plant, is to fruit(mushrooms).
Outdoors, the mycelium can run as far as the organic substrate it grows in.


Well-Known Member
Oh, BTW, I am a mushroom cultivator as well as a self supplier of grass. ;)

I do shiitake, oyster, shaggymanes, and a few others.

I received an Exhale Bag, ya know one of them co2 generators, only to find out it is a shiitake block--of which I have over forty lbs of blocks in my mushroom room. Those folk are making some money off that.
I will never need them however, so I'm going to fruit this bag and eat some shiitake!!


Well-Known Member
Hey, just remember, mycorhizzae is a fungi. There are endo(inside roots) and ecto(outside the roots). Ectorhizzal mycelial mats form in the soils and bring nutes to the plants.(they can even sense if one plant needs more or less of something).
The only real way for continuing the life cycle after its already colonized a potted plant, is to fruit(mushrooms).
Outdoors, the mycelium can run as far as the organic substrate it grows in.
This is all over my head....


Well-Known Member
Lol, sorry. I really get into this stuff :)

I was just saying if you use myco's, don't be surprised if a random tiny shroom appears.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
50 in a 4 x 4? you must be using ta G-pots. I did 25 WW's in my 3 x 4 a while ago. so i can see it possible .
I have a cool sog going on right now in the closet,,,32 Cindys in half gal milk containers alittle over a week in. I just went and checked the demensions lol, 20" x 36" equals about 5 sq ft. The next run is going to be with bigger cuttings in 1 gal bags with a few weeks veg. I think I can get 15-18 in there pretty easily


Well-Known Member
I have a cool sog going on right now in the closet,,,32 Cindys in half gal milk containers alittle over a week in. I just went and checked the demensions lol, 20" x 36" equals about 5 sq ft. The next run is going to be with bigger cuttings in 1 gal bags with a few weeks veg. I think I can get 15-18 in there pretty easily
i cant wait to see pics of them once theyre in full bloom!! gonna be one hell of a beautiful room. gonna be a stanky ass room!


Well-Known Member
Oh, to hold the golden ticket and run free through the factory:)

Id prolly have aseizure walking into your closets, HC! Too much for my little brain to handle. ;)


Well-Known Member
whats up cavemembers??

figured i'd throw up a few pics of my bsbXcb at day 75 of life and week 7 of flower. very slight tinges of pink/purples but not to much.

middle plant in this pic



Well-Known Member
heyyyyy HC. the BMF i got is startin to frost up nice. =) the leaves dont look pretty since its still trying to recover from the spray burn from a few weeks back. but ive noticed a nice purple hue coming in now. =D soo far only 1 of those seeds the fairy dropped off have germed.. hopin with time the others will pop. ive heard the germ rates from peak seeds werent great?? but im sure dizz would kno alllll about that. since hes gotten quite a few strains from peak seeds. =) anywayz. heres a few shots of the BMF...... another one of HC's masterpieces. =D

*Booooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmm Motha Fuckaaaaaaaaaa*
- feels good to FINALLYYYY be able to say that. lol.-
