A Kush Lovers Thread


Well-Known Member
I mean if I were to hand pick who gets sour kush and who doesn't, I woulds be picking from this thread, because you guys actually appreciate true kush highs.

but the usual protocal is, the people who hang out in the sk thread are the ones who are basically getting in 'line' to get beans.

and I don't see any good reason to break from that protocal, so if you want it better get in line ;)
I have subbed the SK thread...I didnt even know of its existence till now!
There a few things in life worth waiting for and SK is def one of them!
I am gonna narrow down all my strains to a select few. I have been testing soo many kinds. I have like 8 purples now trying to find the ultimate single one to grow, I have gone through lots of kushes to find a select few (4or 5 prolly)to keep and am still trying to find a single sativa (maybe 2) to keep and stop having so many strains and get to make my grows simpler.


Well-Known Member
all I can say is some of the stuff I've ran into in cali would probably end up on that killer stone list as well.

I'm just trying to say sk truly is something far beyond the norm, even the norm of DANK chronic stoney weed sk shines through.

the whole reason I'm growing these OG kushes is to basically see if they were worth anything or not compared to sk. and pretty much there's only SO many sources for kush, after I try so many more I'm probably not gonna bother getting extra genetics because there's only SO many places you can get kush genetics from and at some point we're all trying relative shit.
I think Bubba Kush is the best kush that I have grown so far. I am sure lots of you will like a different kush as your favorite though.


Well-Known Member
I think Bubba Kush is the best kush that I have grown so far. I am sure lots of you will like a different kush as your favorite though.

Yea? What makes you like Bubba over others? I haven't tried it yet personally but have been curious about it after seeing it in a few crosses


Well-Known Member
if you run into the right bubba kush it will be super killer stone... very strong lingering stoney high that doesn't want to go away at all. some phenos will be creeper too.

but commercial bubba kush I've seen flowing around cali has a pretty mid grade stone, nothing spectacular. gotta watch out for the serious bubba kushes not the commercial ones.


Well-Known Member
I have subbed the SK thread...I didnt even know of its existence till now!
There a few things in life worth waiting for and SK is def one of them!
I am gonna narrow down all my strains to a select few. I have been testing soo many kinds. I have like 8 purples now trying to find the ultimate single one to grow, I have gone through lots of kushes to find a select few (4or 5 prolly)to keep and am still trying to find a single sativa (maybe 2) to keep and stop having so many strains and get to make my grows simpler.
yep I'd say as someone who's been smoking sk for 2 years and am on my 3rd year growing it, it is definitely worth waiting for.

I was lucky enough to not really have to wait for it because I basically got it by saying I'd take lots of pics and I'm an outdoor nor-cal grower. but now obviously because of all the attention it has got we have to be a lot more careful about who gets it and who doesn't.

the basic concept is this... it is less likely to be leaked out if the people who get it had to wait for it. of course this may be broken at some point... but atleast we'll have a strong league of followers by then and something good will have came out of it. I don't expect sk to remain VIP, but I do expect it may remain that way for a few more years before it gets leaked out to some lame ass breeder that wants to cross it.

my hopes is that even if it crosses into stuff, the original will be better.


Well-Known Member
yep I'd say as someone who's been smoking sk for 2 years and am on my 3rd year growing it, it is definitely worth waiting for.

I was lucky enough to not really have to wait for it because I basically got it by saying I'd take lots of pics and I'm an outdoor nor-cal grower. but now obviously because of all the attention it has got we have to be a lot more careful about who gets it and who doesn't.

the basic concept is this... it is less likely to be leaked out if the people who get it had to wait for it. of course this may be broken at some point... but at least we'll have a strong league of followers by then and something good will have came out of it. I don't expect sk to remain VIP, but I do expect it may remain that way for a few more years before it gets leaked out to some lame ass breeder that wants to cross it.

my hopes is that even if it crosses into stuff, the original will be better.
I understand how hard it was to make the ultimate cross...I cant do all that yet, but one day I will. I can say that I def wont give away clones of her. If she gets leaked...it wont be by me! I am a nor-cali guy myself and grow out and indoors. I am a pic taker as well lol.

I grew Bubba from a clone from a club and it was nice (club got it from Oaksterdam supposedly). I also grew a Bubba from a clone from a guy on Budtrader and it was different...harder buds more separated and not as stretchy. I didnt keep a clone of her just flowered her and got a small yield and it went fast (it was better just yielded small). I like my Platinum OG Kush as well, but I get a tolerance for it too fast and the stone doesnt last as long and the sweetness on the tongue is not there at all. Not a bad taste, but just a kush only taste if that makes sense. I have a different cut of it right now flowering outside, but it had a bad start in life and wont be a shining example of what her clones will do....


Well-Known Member
yep I'd say as someone who's been smoking sk for 2 years and am on my 3rd year growing it, it is definitely worth waiting for.

I was lucky enough to not really have to wait for it because I basically got it by saying I'd take lots of pics and I'm an outdoor nor-cal grower. but now obviously because of all the attention it has got we have to be a lot more careful about who gets it and who doesn't.

the basic concept is this... it is less likely to be leaked out if the people who get it had to wait for it. of course this may be broken at some point... but atleast we'll have a strong league of followers by then and something good will have came out of it. I don't expect sk to remain VIP, but I do expect it may remain that way for a few more years before it gets leaked out to some lame ass breeder that wants to cross it.

my hopes is that even if it crosses into stuff, the original will be better.
I could understand why you guys would want to keep it in a select circle and think it's admirable that after all this time, only a select few still have it. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on it one day, but think I have a lot more growing and smoking to do before I'd truly appreciate a strain like that. Guess it won't be a problem to wait in line then lol. So tell me this, after smoking SK for two years, you haven't developed a tolerance to it? It still gives you an amazing high?


Well-Known Member
I could understand why you guys would want to keep it in a select circle and think it's admirable that after all this time, only a select few still have it. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on it one day, but think I have a lot more growing and smoking to do before I'd truly appreciate a strain like that. Guess it won't be a problem to wait in line then lol. So tell me this, after smoking SK for two years, you haven't developed a tolerance to it? It still gives you an amazing high?
well first off, I don't blaze it all day.

but, there was a point where I was a super heavy blazer and sour kush would get me high every time I smoked it satisfyingly, without a significant tolerance gain at all.

if there is one major atvantage of sk, it is the lack of tolerance gain. this was one of the things I forgot to mention that chitownexpress himself RAVED about being able to smoke as much as he wanted and not have a significant tolerance to it.

and I tested it one night, smoked sk for 3 hours straight, kept getting slightly higher slowly the whole time, the high never faded, but I certainly did ;).

btu yes, when you only smoke it at night/evening time, it will hit you just as hard, every single time you smoke it. period.


Well-Known Member
Wow...that sounds like the best weed...ever. That is a problem I have with almost everything I smoke, at some point I stop getting high (am a human chimney). So do you think that this is the best weed you ever smoked? And if not, what is comparable to it in your experience? Sorry if I am asking a million questions, I love MJ and what you're saying about SK is captivating the shit out of me!


Well-Known Member
well first off, I don't blaze it all day.

but, there was a point where I was a super heavy blazer and sour kush would get me high every time I smoked it satisfyingly, without a significant tolerance gain at all.

if there is one major atvantage of sk, it is the lack of tolerance gain. this was one of the things I forgot to mention that chitownexpress himself RAVED about being able to smoke as much as he wanted and not have a significant tolerance to it.

and I tested it one night, smoked sk for 3 hours straight, kept getting slightly higher slowly the whole time, the high never faded, but I certainly did ;).

btu yes, when you only smoke it at night/evening time, it will hit you just as hard, every single time you smoke it. period.
That was my main prob with the Bubba pheno I had, is that I couldnt smoke it everyday without getting a tolerance. I dont have a high tolerance compared to most, but some strains fade out fast for me as well.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see all the SK talk. I just noticed that my two Lush's i thought were fem may be male. But the two SK's are definitely fem. Also killed all my males except the Blue Cheese x Lush, and the Grape Kush. i threw the grape kush in veg and i need to harvest enough pollen from the Blue Cheese x Lush BX1 to make bx1 F2's.


Well-Known Member
Wow...that sounds like the best weed...ever. That is a problem I have with almost everything I smoke, at some point I stop getting high (am a human chimney). So do you think that this is the best weed you ever smoked? And if not, what is comparable to it in your experience? Sorry if I am asking a million questions, I love MJ and what you're saying about SK is captivating the shit out of me!
yes it is by far the best shit I have ever smoked period. nothing I have tried yet has come close.


Well-Known Member
Damn...these years of waiting are going to feel long indeed :-P lol! I think some shit like that is def worth waiting for.
honestly if you started chilling now I be you guys all get sent beans next december/january..... don't trip. you guys are cool.


Well-Known Member
If i could make a new batch i would, but luckily i got two femsso i wont be popping any for a while, these will be moms. i burnt the shit outta one, and the other is lighter than the others. Seems like they may be some finicky bitches, i'm all organic now so i gotta get my juice figured out for them.


Well-Known Member
If i could make a new batch i would, but luckily i got two femsso i wont be popping any for a while, these will be moms. i burnt the shit outta one, and the other is lighter than the others. Seems like they may be some finicky bitches, i'm all organic now so i gotta get my juice figured out for them.
yeah I have never burned em with organics but I did with chemicals... chitown said they are light feeders.


Well-Known Member
Yea i'm seeing that now. as opposed to lush being a heavy feeder. I'm on it though. I'll cut my tea with water next time. Luckily organic plants take a little longer to drink up which should give time for recovery. i dont think i should flush yet/


Well-Known Member
Yea i'm seeing that now. as opposed to lush being a heavy feeder. I'm on it though. I'll cut my tea with water next time. Luckily organic plants take a little longer to drink up which should give time for recovery. i dont think i should flush yet/
yep, your lushes are pretty tall man. I"m betting they're gonna get as tall as the biggest plants in my garden :D