i told ya so


Well-Known Member
Hmm, if Romney wins political asylum sounds pretty nice. Maybe I can even go to grad school over there... the choices, the choices.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Polls already show Ron Paul running independent takes away about 10% from Obama. Go Ron Paul. I mean, Romney! Well, I mean who gives a fuck! So long Obama!
You mean, so long medical marijuana and hello to stricter laws and a huge increase in the prison population.


Well-Known Member
I think there is no chance that Romney can beat Obama.... which is why it is stupid that they are picking him as the Republican nominee. He can't even justifiably attack him on Obamacare for Gods sake, thats all the Republicans talk about is Obamacare...


Well-Known Member
I think there is no chance that Romney can beat Obama.... which is why it is stupid that they are picking him as the Republican nominee. He can't even justifiably attack him on Obamacare for Gods sake, thats all the Republicans talk about is Obamacare...
at least you honest...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You're more than welcome, claim political asylum and the Government will even give you money every week then to support yourself.

How's that for friendly? I'd even rather see an American fleeing Romney get the welfare money than some Irish scumbag who chose not to work his whole life ;)

We basically have gay marriage here (called civil partnership not to upset the Church) too, they're working on full adoption/inheritance rights for gay couples at the minute, it'll be the last step in achieving equality with straight couples.

Romney will probably do the opposite and try a "Final Solution" type approach on gays/pot smokers, etc.
Naww.. I love to work. The Mormon work ethic is very strong. :p