ideal light for mother plant


Well-Known Member
i need 5 cuttings every 6 weeks from a mother plant. as its only 5 i dont really need a very big plant or powerful light. what would be the ideal cfl for this. would i get away with a 45 or 65 watt bulb for this?


Active Member
Great lights produce great clones, great clones make great crops. May I suggest you go on line with Igrowhydro, they have a vast array of lights and bulbs to chose from at awsome prices. These people are sensitive to your needs don't say what you are useing them for they don't want to here it. All orders are re-packed in non descript boxes nothing on the return address describes it or what kind of co shipped it simply says igh cal.
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Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
cfl's in 6500k for production.less than 23W for stasis.greater than 23W for production.Adjust nutes accordingly.


Well-Known Member
i think if u keep topping ur mother u should put 13watt-26watt cfls over each top where ur next clone will be taken. Or you could just use a 1000watt metal halide and sell clones haha


Active Member
This is a good plan, And, I won't claim to be clone god. Two out of ten won't be as nice as I would like, or may fail compleately. In fact I've had whole domes fail, for no better reason, than our water quality spiked, in ph terms. I didn't even catch it. Later I read in our small mnt town newspaper the city had hired a new water engineer, I had to moniter *his" work for several weeks before I was once again confident in our water being stable. This is when a large clone mother with an abundence of clone sites is a must, do you want to wait for more to grow? or just clip the ones ready for clipping? Another senerio, you just mowed the lawn and came in for a beer, in doing so you picked up 1 tiny spider mite carring a single fertilized egg, two weeks later you have a total infestation started. Now you have to dissasemble, steralize, kill the grow more than likely, and start fresh. Sounds drastic? If, and when, you have a mite breakout you will find out I didn't exagerate at all. Few grow- rooms ever recover from spider mites unless you go drastic. They may go away for a while, but unless you solve the problem correctly they always seem to come back. In this case you want a full clone mother seperaate from everything else. These are just a few things that make a Large, healthy, clone mother essential to a clone program. Large healthy clone mothers require strong high quality lamps. You can get away with doing this on a shoestring for a while, but eventually some of this equipment is required.


Well-Known Member
Just leave them in the same room as your mom. If there is any light hitting the ground and your ambient room temp is about 75 degrees you should be good. I mean putting them under some direct light always speeds things up a bit, but if you don't mind waiting 15 days or so just leave em on the ground. Any residual light in your mom room should be sufficient. Make sure to spray your dome and not your babies to prevent powdery mildew and rot/mold and keep the medium moist and you should be good 2 go. I mean you can get more in depth but there is really no need to over complicate things lol. Good luck, Namaste!


Well-Known Member
And just to clarify my last post. If you need lighting for a single mom and not for your babies then I would suggest using two or even one fifty watt t5. They are the best thing since sliced bread in my opinion lol. Namaste!


Well-Known Member
i need 5 cuttings every 6 weeks from a mother plant. as its only 5 i dont really need a very big plant or powerful light. what would be the ideal cfl for this. would i get away with a 45 or 65 watt bulb for this?
for real I would keep the mom under 24 hour a day low wattage cfls...maybe like 2 of the small ones or something...that way there isn't too much growth...because while good light makes good clones, we are talking about the fact that good light grows large plants..and you only really need 5 or 6 branches every 6 with a large light you would have more plant than you really need..low wattage almost suspends the grows more slowly, and uses less water and food...


Well-Known Member
And my clones go directly under a 400w light into a DIY cloner in front of a fan..that way they have to root or die...they most always choose to root...I get the first stringy roots within 4-5 days...and then in a week or so I plant them and disassemble and put away the bucket...I don't keep moms...I flower my donor plant and then veg the clones..sometimes I flower the extra clones...straight from clone to flower..I like it a lot actually...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I veg and clone in the same tent, with a 400w...see the above can't beat HID lighting for veg or flower...but it is somewhat more expensive...but not by much unless you have like a lot of them I guess...


Well-Known Member
But I know what happens to my vegging clones waiting on a spot in flower...they become these monstrous halfway through I just go back through and clone again...and then I toss the originals...or every once in awhile add them to the flower tent just for kicks...


Well-Known Member
And to keep mom's you don't need or want that kind of aggressive growth...I find it tiresome at this point...I don't even need to veg with this light..but man if you veg with a smaller light then when you flower they never end up doing as I wanted good lights for both...because you can't beat HID
btw that is a tobacco plant and the light is a 250w induction highbay i got for free brand new when a supermarket changed to t5 fluorescent, I had the tobacco plant growing an inch a day.


Well-Known Member
t5s are pretty clean and can be daisy chained (I love that word) But they make very tight nodes, nice clones up to about 12
inches then they can be moved out to the other light to finish or WHATEVER. But they are nice for moms and babies with little
heat or cost to use and come in all sizes with reflecting hoods.


Active Member
i need 5 cuttings every 6 weeks from a mother plant. as its only 5 i dont really need a very big plant or powerful light. what would be the ideal cfl for this. would i get away with a 45 or 65 watt bulb for this?

as i have bonsai trees under t5 21 w twin tubes and they do grow slow and healthy
but a 7-10 days before you what the cutting you need to feed a few times and give them some good light, you need some strong green nodes 3-4" long
and a good feed and lots of light for a 7-10 days should do the trick

400w mh will give some very good clones in 7 days

125w growlight with a shade is the least light for the 10 days i would use


Well-Known Member
This is a good plan, And, I won't claim to be clone god. Two out of ten won't be as nice as I would like, or may fail compleately. In fact I've had whole domes fail, for no better reason, than our water quality spiked, in ph terms. I didn't even catch it. Later I read in our small mnt town newspaper the city had hired a new water engineer, I had to moniter *his" work for several weeks before I was once again confident in our water being stable. This is when a large clone mother with an abundence of clone sites is a must, do you want to wait for more to grow? or just clip the ones ready for clipping? Another senerio, you just mowed the lawn and came in for a beer, in doing so you picked up 1 tiny spider mite carring a single fertilized egg, two weeks later you have a total infestation started. Now you have to dissasemble, steralize, kill the grow more than likely, and start fresh. Sounds drastic? If, and when, you have a mite breakout you will find out I didn't exagerate at all. Few grow- rooms ever recover from spider mites unless you go drastic. They may go away for a while, but unless you solve the problem correctly they always seem to come back. In this case you want a full clone mother seperaate from everything else. These are just a few things that make a Large, healthy, clone mother essential to a clone program. Large healthy clone mothers require strong high quality lamps. You can get away with doing this on a shoestring for a while, but eventually some of this equipment is required.[ I had a very bad might prob well the guy I got the clone s did and didn't tell me brought them into my new system and they started to spread I just neem oil the hell outta them and haven't had any since about a week of every other day right before the lights came on but also there are different breeds of mite herd some are harty as hell but haven't had those around here so far but neem oil and co2 norm wipe them right out if u get them early enough