This is a good plan, And, I won't claim to be clone god. Two out of ten won't be as nice as I would like, or may fail compleately. In fact I've had whole domes fail, for no better reason, than our water quality spiked, in ph terms. I didn't even catch it. Later I read in our small mnt town newspaper the city had hired a new water engineer, I had to moniter *his" work for several weeks before I was once again confident in our water being stable. This is when a large clone mother with an abundence of clone sites is a must, do you want to wait for more to grow? or just clip the ones ready for clipping? Another senerio, you just mowed the lawn and came in for a beer, in doing so you picked up 1 tiny spider mite carring a single fertilized egg, two weeks later you have a total infestation started. Now you have to dissasemble, steralize, kill the grow more than likely, and start fresh. Sounds drastic? If, and when, you have a mite breakout you will find out I didn't exagerate at all. Few grow- rooms ever recover from spider mites unless you go drastic. They may go away for a while, but unless you solve the problem correctly they always seem to come back. In this case you want a full clone mother seperaate from everything else. These are just a few things that make a Large, healthy, clone mother essential to a clone program. Large healthy clone mothers require strong high quality lamps. You can get away with doing this on a shoestring for a while, but eventually some of this equipment is required.