Say what you want about Kanye as a person...


Well-Known Member
But as a artist , director,producer, this guy is a musical geneous ...

Not only is this video a work of art, but its also something to get those consperacy therist going

Excuse my spelling I'm too high to go to Google and do a spell check * Kanye Shrug*

I like kanye and i like jay z but i like them both alot more when they are together because they come up with songs and videos like this !!!
Badassss in my opinion ! so sick
I like kanye and i like jay z but i like them both alot more when they are together because they come up with songs and videos like this !!!
Badassss in my opinion ! so sick

Much more thought went into this than just having a bunch of bitches shaking there ass in front of a Ferrari.
And that's what I respect about them...
Glad you liked the video man
He's a douchebag and an overrated producer/artist lol :dunce:

After the Taylor Swift incident I have no time for kanye's music at all and refuse to support a grown man that would act like that to ruin a young womans night... Fuck Kanye, everything he does and everything he has done in the past...
After the Taylor Swift incident I have no time for kanye's music at all and refuse to support a grown man that would act like that to ruin a young womans night... Fuck Kanye, everything he does and everything he has done in the past...

Grow man? Celebrities are just adult sized babies. And he was drunk, I've done plenty of dumb shit when I was drunk.

And it was funny, so fuck I'm happy he did do that to Taylor Swift (I'd like to see her naked).
Being drunk is no excuse for anything as an adult and the only funny thing about it was that anyone would think that beyonce video deserved an award...
Roamin Garvas is a famous French Director (I think he may be algerian, technically, but, i could be wrong). Either way, he did MIA's video "Born Free".

That video is pretty bad ass too. You should check it out OP.

Same feel even, alittle. But a lot of his stuff has this same feel, that I've seen (even his movies).
After the Taylor Swift incident I have no time for kanye's music at all and refuse to support a grown man that would act like that to ruin a young womans night... Fuck Kanye, everything he does and everything he has done in the past...

If that's the case fuck Taylor Swift then what has she done for YOU ?
Kanye's a entertainer its his job to "entertain".
In a way that was the best thing that could've happened to Taylor that night at the VMA's. I sure didn't know who she was before the incident.

I could give two fucks about Kanye as a person. He's not putting food in my tummy, but he is a good artist ...

Did you even bother to watch the video ?

One of the most influential albums of my life.
I stuck with him up until after 808's. I can still listen to him but he isnt what he used to be, time changes people. His situation changed so his lyrics did.
Its like Eminem with Encore. That and everything after it I can pass on. However I do appreciate the older stuff.
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One of the most influential albums of my life.
I stuck with him up until after 808's. I can still listen to him but he isnt what he used to be, time changes people. His situation changed so his lyrics did.
Its like Eminem with Encore. That and everything after it I can pass on. However I do appreciate the older stuff.

hell yeah after his mom died his music really took a hit.

Spaceships,Jesus walks, diamonds are forever, and through the wire are still my favorite songs by him.
hell yeah after his mom died his music really took a hit.

Spaceships,Jesus walks, diamonds are forever, and through the wire are still my favorite songs by him.

What really blows my mind is that cd is almost 10 years old. It kind of depresses me.
If that's the case fuck Taylor Swift then what has she done for YOU ?
Kanye's a entertainer its his job to "entertain".
In a way that was the best thing that could've happened to Taylor that night at the VMA's. I sure didn't know who she was before the incident.

I could give two fucks about Kanye as a person. He's not putting food in my tummy, but he is a good artist ...

Did you even bother to watch the video ?

Personally Taylor swift has done nothing for me

No... cause I just came here to put forth my opinion of Kanye, I could care less about his new video or whatever wonder crap he puts out with Jay-Z...