anybody know if it can still make it ?


Well-Known Member
white maggot-like bugs? thrip larvae perhaps.
once again, what scrog said. look towards the holes of your pots too, it could be fungus gnats too. over the years ive used a simple pesticide, marigold flowers, garlic, a small amount of canola(dont suggest for flower, very good to spray on the outsides of your pots though since it works like fly paper, even more so in higher concentrations), and sometimes neem oil if i feel the need. if you use garlic during flower you should give them a good spray after so your buds dont smell like garlic, hit the bottoms of the leaves with this stuff too since thats where most predators hide and lay eggs.

and fungus gnats can be taken out by nematodes(although theyre only attracted when you overwater, keep this in mind), or you can let your soil wick out and they'll probably leave. last time i had them i let it wick out, then continued to spray the shit out of the holes in my pots.


Well-Known Member
Bro ,why does it look like a coconut tree? Its very stressed but could come back with TLC.


Active Member
They probably are thripes, the flies look sorta off white, They are sap suckers, What they leave looks like little snail trails, like they went along scooping the surface. They can be controlled with ladybugs, cali -clean even seems to kill them. Check the thread pretty cool chit man. CAli clean, has some healling propertys as well, I've sprayed the remainder of a butch on a yellow undernurished plant in hours it was greening up. Pick up about 5 good size habeneros and follow the instructions, take about 20 min to simmer it down. presto, best spidermite/bug/ bandaid there is for your plant, put this on any injured leaf you want to keep. now its lunch having SPAGHETTI.
I would say yes it can come back but i would go buy a bottle azamax hit your dirt now for a couple of days to a week. Then transplant into a new fresh pot and then if problems go away i would use the azamax still every now and then as a proventitive. If the does not work it might just be best to get a new clone. Cause if you start a plants life out with problems/Stress the chances of more problems are increased.