The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
im panicking! i moved to cornwall, had a good supply to last until i could set up a grow or meet a dealer, a week in i cant find my stash! i had it bagged up in week bags and i think i left 5 bags in my old place D:
im freakin out !!
well carry on freaking ya fucking freak.....................


Well-Known Member
im panicking! i moved to cornwall, had a good supply to last until i could set up a grow or meet a dealer, a week in i cant find my stash! i had it bagged up in week bags and i think i left 5 bags in my old place D:
im freakin out !!
that is of course unless ya female size 8-12 max than maybe we could sort something........................ lmao


Well-Known Member
Yeah lad has bin for the last week or so we need sum newbs in da house or cunts like unlucky haha atleast it livens the place up a little lmfao how was the cheese/psycho or ya not bothered yet as your hittin the class a's haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah lad has bin for the last week or so we need sum newbs in da house or cunts like unlucky haha atleast it livens the place up a little lmfao how was the cheese/psycho or ya not bothered yet as your hittin the class a's haha
u no me too well i fink bro yeah im sniffing n drinking i aint even touched it yet geezer...................

like i say tho 1 bag smelt the part the other not and thats no disrespect to the breeder of bsb just another seed strain that takes 1 months cure to get any flavour or smell back, still i like the colour tho


Well-Known Member
u no me too well i fink bro yeah im sniffing n drinking i aint even touched it yet geezer...................

like i say tho 1 bag smelt the part the other not and thats no disrespect to the breeder of bsb just another seed strain that takes 1 months cure to get any flavour or smell back, still i like the colour tho
Cure the cunt it is then haha yh lad u drink and sniff is a no brainer if your wantin to wind knobheads up lmfao


Well-Known Member
apart from fingerzs slh which i will add is a old clone, im yet to find ANY seed strain that dont need that cure the clone onlys smell like they do just on a 5-7day dry.............


Well-Known Member
Haha sambo u jocky thought id legged it da ya lmao na lad not until july and a little break for me then full swing again im gonna try push 2 out befor chrimbo then haha