Small Brown Spots On a Few Leaves and Sister Leaves


Active Member
This is an Autoflower Strain, Blue Mystic.

Exactly 3 weeks today from sprout. I noticed a few brown spots on some leaves.

Is it time to feed some Micro Nutrients and high P and K?

Not sure what to do here.



Active Member
Oh I know this Coho. Thanks. She is sleeping right now, Will have to post tomorrow evening, my time. I know My friends here will help out. We are problem solvers. :bigjoint::leaf:


Active Member
Well I repoted. Massive root system so alot of old dirt is left, but I made a ph buffered soil with organic and perlite, Added mag to a gallon of water with some plant food with calcium plus. repotted in a root pouch 1 gallon. hope this cures the problem and not makes things worse. hope she dont burn. used about a half mix solution.


Active Member
i had the same problem with my grow last summer came to find out it was from my soil being too acidic possibly locking out calcium and mag. hope the transplant helps it helped mine turned out great!!:)
thats her in my avatar pic!!


Active Member
I transplanted. My PH is sitting at like 6.2 in wet soil. Couldnt get rid of alot of the soil from old pot as she was very healthy below soil with a massive root sytem. I hope this helps.


Active Member
you should be good i didnt remove my acidic soil either just buried it in good PH adjusted soil in a week everything was back to normal the sick leaves slowly yellowed and died off over the next couple weeks but was still growing strong..
good luck!!!


Active Member
you should be good i didnt remove my acidic soil either just buried it in good PH adjusted soil in a week everything was back to normal the sick leaves slowly yellowed and died off over the next couple weeks but was still growing strong..
good luck!!!
Thanks. Is that PH okay? I can already see the tips burning on a couple. I hope I didnt over fert. this is the first time I fertilized her.


Active Member
I burned my first plant before and it turned out fine too after a flush. I guess weed is hard to kill but the yeild is easy to deminish.


Active Member
never mind, the tips were already a little crisp in th epics above. before the transplant. I think she will be just okay. ill know in a few hours if i did any harm. ferts act quick.


Active Member
yeah just keep an eye on them you should be fine give it a couple days to see the results you may still see leaves dieing off after that was affected thats what happend with mine you can see in my link below flowering from start to finish its in the beginning somewhere lol


Active Member
Yeah. Im going to florida on sunday through wednesday. scared cause i wont be around to keep an eye on her, but ill have someone to check on it (Wife)


Well-Known Member
She should be ok. Looks like calcium. The dolomite in the soil should bring the runoff pH up.


Active Member
Thanks Coho. I knew you would come through. Makes me feel better. She looks okay. I bent her a little tonight after the transplant, using a skewer and some twine, wanna get some light under her skirt and make her adapt to my cabinet. Im excited, Though worried too, But I love educating myself.


Active Member
She may droop a bit after transplant. Don't freak. lol
Oh I understand. Seen it before. After bending, her stem veins are a little puple, I think I bruised the poor lady, Shes strong and will be lovely. I hope. LOL:!::bigjoint:


Active Member
DAY 22

After Transplant and Cal/Mag Treatment. Bent her A Little To Show Her Goods, Using Twine and Skewer Fastened within Her Own Soil. Heres the Photo's. She Should Pull Through. Root Puch Container now, With Calcium and Fert Treatment mixed into a gallon of water and a spoonful of Epsom Salt. Soil mixed with perlite, moisture Control and a spoonful of Hydrated Lime to try and get this PH together. My PH Lime Treatment Proved Very Helpful, Now Onto the Nutrients and vitamins.

Stay Tuned.




Well-Known Member
Keep us posted. I want to see how she turns out.:leaf: The first one is a learning experience and look at it that way. I screwed up so much I was surprised it lived. Halogen light, MG soil, no pH,etc


Active Member
Thanks Coho. I Beleive that us as man can Overdo nature and not let it ride it's course. The grow before this I was suprised HE went through all of my abuse therefore I know SHE Will live to tell a story.