trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
I agreed with you and you're correcting me! Ha HA HA Ha!
you said "it appears so". i corrected you because "it is so".

that should have been the end of the story, but you keep on bickering. you love to bicker about everything!


desert dude

Well-Known Member
Sounds like the court might have a perjury case against Zimmer's wife if she lied when asked about their access to the defense funds? The prosecutor might pursue the perjury issue; it would certainly ratchet up the pressure on Zimmer. It was pretty stupid of them (Jorge and his wife) to try to hide the defense fund assets.


Well-Known Member
i doubt they can use the old lady getting charged as leverage..have you seen her? and zimm is a coward and a bitch, he will not take a deal...that pussy can't do time...i look forward to seeing this clown convicted.


Well-Known Member
no, they just let you lie with no consequence :dunce:

yes, you are under oath at a bail hearing.
LOL no, you are not under any kind of Oath because most of the time you don't get to speak. Its a BAIL HEARING not an inquiry of evidence. I assume you have NEVER been arrested nor have you ever sat in a courtroom when they do Bail Hearings.


Well-Known Member
psychologists call your outbursts "transference" or "projection".

you see, when someone like you, who was a member of a motorcycle gang known for molesting children, accuses innocents like me of the same, that is a coping mechanism that yo exercise to deal with the demons of your own past.
Humans have been known to murder, rape and diddle little kids, you are a human. That makes you a murdering, raping, kid diddler I guess.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
if you are dishonest then you are dishonest the i didnt know i wasnt suposed to lie at this hearing isnt going to shouldnt lie because your bieng dishonest the consequences of the lie should not wiegh as to wether lieing is ok or not and since the case is based on his testimony then he is ruining his credability and making his testimony less believable.