Zimmerman bond revoked


Active Member
Zimmerman is the victim???? He's the one still alive, and in police custody, and that equates to he's the victim in your eyes???

It's said that marijuana was in his system, but he was not high at the time of his death.

I'm sorry, but on any given night, on any given street in America, if you approach me at night, in a not so well lit area, or even in a well lit area, you're gonna understand quickly, your in the wrong. I don't give a fek who's neighborhood, what night, what avenue....if you approach someone at night, and think you have some right to investigate or question them, then its on you what happens. Period.

If your an officer of the law, and you did your job right, you would Identify yourself to take my tenses off as you approach me. Which Rita Zimmerman forgot to do, oh wait, he's not a cop. Yaaa diggzzz????

Although Rita didn't end up on the end of the shortest straw, he got a bit of reality straight to the dome piece. If you think your just gonna run up on people at night in America and become some sort of civil police, your ass is gonna get lit the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but on any given night, on any given street in America, if you approach me at night, in a not so well lit area, or even in a well lit area, you're gonna understand quickly, your in the wrong. I don't give a fek who's neighborhood, what night, what avenue....if you approach someone at night, and think you have some right to investigate or question them, then its on you what happens. Period.
There is no law against approaching people at any time of the day, but I assure you there are laws that say you don't get to assault people.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
There is no law against approaching people at any time of the day, but I assure you there are laws that say you don't get to assault people.
And furthermore, there are consequences to assaulting people beyond the laws. Sometimes you wind up dead as a result of your unjustified violence.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
any one of us could be a little high like martin was and just be "looking around" while talking on the hone with a hoodie on while it's raining.

well, maybe not any one of us. desertdude seems like he's never touched the stuff and enjoys seeing growers get busted if they don't share in his old mcronald worship.
I tried it many years ago. It was mildly pleasant but I prefer being sober. So, you're right, "I don't touch the stuff".

As far as enjoying seeing growers getting busted, that is a bum rap. I am totally opposed to the drug war on moral and practical grounds. However, when a drug warrior suffers the consequences of his own hypocritical actions, I don't lose much sleep over the matter.


Well-Known Member
You can look at this news in three ways. If you're a Zimmerman hater, it's good news, if you're a Trayvon hater it's bad news.
If you have no dog in the fight, it's just another guy protecting his own interest!

Hell, if the New Black Panthers put a dead or alive bounty on my head, I'd have three passports if I could get them. LOL

the black panthers have no muscle...ain't nobody running from those clowns..just like the kkk or another hate group..all bark no bite... this is good news because i hate zimmerman and think he needs to be convicted of manslaughter and never own a gun in the future.


Well-Known Member
Bonds revoked. Zimmerman sits in jail. Zimmerman calls Fox and does an over the phone interview several times with "Big Head" Sean Hannity. Zimmerman's lawyers is very upset with Zimmerman for doing this. Zimmerman fires attorney and represents himself. Zimmerman refuses to plead out to manslaughter charges. Zimmerman representing himself is convicted of second degree murder. Zimmerman becomes real popular in prison and changes his name to Georgetta. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Bonds revoked. Zimmerman sits in jail. Zimmerman calls Fox and does an over the phone interview several times with "Big Head" Sean Hannity. Zimmerman's lawyers is very upset with Zimmerman for doing this. Zimmerman fires attorney and represents himself. Zimmerman refuses to plead out to manslaughter charges. Zimmerman representing himself is convicted of second degree murder. Zimmerman becomes real popular in prison and changes his name to Georgetta. :lol:
Auto-erotic asphyxiation is the IN thing now when masturbating.


Well-Known Member
I tried it many years ago. It was mildly pleasant but I prefer being sober. So, you're right, "I don't touch the stuff".

As far as enjoying seeing growers getting busted, that is a bum rap. I am totally opposed to the drug war on moral and practical grounds. However, when a drug warrior suffers the consequences of his own hypocritical actions, I don't lose much sleep over the matter.
Then keep it moving bitchass. No one needs "allies" like you.


Well-Known Member
WTF is with people who dont smoke or grow spending countless hours on this forum. What for? And we see the kind of pricks they are. **cough** NLSXK1, desert dude, etc..

desert dude

Well-Known Member
WTF is with people who dont smoke or grow spending countless hours on this forum. What for? And we see the kind of pricks they are. **cough** NLSXK1, desert dude, etc..
No problem, feel free to use the ignore feature to filter me out.


Active Member
No problem, feel free to use the ignore feature to filter me out.
I don't get it, why would you be here if you don't in some fashion either consume or cultivate cannabis? Is this some form of sexual erotica to you????

Kinda like going to a AA meeting when your allergic to alcohol and don't drink....why would ya?

Like jerking off feverishly , just to not blow a nut, whhhhyy would ya?????

Like taking a tire off your car thats perfectly good, and throwing the spare on......whyy would ya????

I guess its like going to the drive in as a blind man.....u can hear it, and just imagine :)


Well-Known Member
lmfao ...wtf is that , I mean hows one gonna beat the meat when your on the verge of blacking out :)

Funniest shit Ive heard all day.....i think Ive heard it all now lol

agree it is retarded...but people die each year doing it(singer of inxs) another dumb ass thing people die doing? sticking their dick in the suction side of the hot tubs.


Well-Known Member
I tried it many years ago. It was mildly pleasant but I prefer being sober. So, you're right, "I don't touch the stuff".

As far as enjoying seeing growers getting busted, that is a bum rap. I am totally opposed to the drug war on moral and practical grounds. However, when a drug warrior suffers the consequences of his own hypocritical actions, I don't lose much sleep over the matter.
lol, you don't even smoke, you enjoy seeing growers get busted, and you were taunting FDD about getting busted just a day before he did.

what smells like rat in here?


Well-Known Member
jesus of cannabis is the same, laughs when people get pinched and believes growing without a card warrants prison and growing over the limit warrants prison..and that retard grows!