Is misogyny alive and well here at RIU?


Well-Known Member
I've gotta ask. I mean, I'm a big girl, I know it exists. I'm just blown away by some of the bullshit posts by people who are supposed to be FOR rights and equality, you know, as POTHEADS.
I'd really like to know what's up with this. Why do some of you folks love to bash on women so hard? Why do you like to call us whores and liars, why advocate hitting us? Why do you have such an attitude towards ALL women?
(There IS no difference between girls and women besides that of age, either.)

I don't see any women on here bashing men in anything resembling this same manner, and if I did, I'd be calling them on it. Some guys are assholes, some women are assholes, but not ALL of them.

Why are some of you so damned quick to jump that train?


Well-Known Member
some people just do it for effect. But then again i've only been a member for a short period of time, so I don't really know the motive behind it. Although I have shown hatred before on boards, but mostly after a woman has expressed her own negative views. Like "Why are there no good men out there" or " "all men are cheaters" or wonder why a man doesn't do for them.


Active Member
I haven't read anything aggressive.

Just take it for what it is, dummy 12 year olds jawing.

Don't get your panties in a bunch :-D

And bitches be crazy.


Well-Known Member
'Splain what you mean, please. Most of the posts I've seen don't quite have that flavor, at least not from where I'm sitting (in a chair, at my desk).
I haven't read anything aggressive.

Just take it for what it is, dummy 12 year olds jawing.

Don't get your panties in a bunch :-D

And bitches be crazy.
Dammit! You pre-posted me!

I'll probably need some help unbunching them.. and he's at work. :(


Well-Known Member
I haven't read anything aggressive.

Just take it for what it is, dummy 12 year olds jawing.

Don't get your panties in a bunch :-D

And bitches be crazy.

she just hasn't been knocked in the floor yet. When that happens she'll learn to keep her mouf shut.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
'Splain what you mean, please. Most of the posts I've seen don't quite have that flavor, at least not from where I'm sitting (in a chair, at my desk).

Dammit! You pre-posted me!

I'll probably need some help unbunching them.. and he's at work. :(

Oh and most potheads i've come across don't exactly have any real experience with women. So you have to forgive them for being bitter.


Well-Known Member
Ok Gravy, that's fucked up. Yes, I have been. Don't think I didn't fight back, either (he had to sleep sometime).

GOD DAMMIT! Pre-posting is nailing me every God damn time. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Ok Gravy, that's fucked up. Yes, I have been. Don't think I didn't fight back, either (he had to sleep sometime).

I was just joking. Im glad to hear you fought back. Im teaching my daughter if a man lays one finger on fuckin rip his testicles off. Literally.


Well-Known Member
Just had a similar convo with my daughter the other day. Misogyny is alive and well in the world. Part of the problem is that we, as a society, are always asking the wrong question. We should not ask why victims are abused; we should ask why abusers do what they do.
Why do some men feel it is their privilege to exercise control over the woman they profess to love? Why do some men rape and kill women? For that matter, why do some men feel they have the right to forward sexist emails, harass their female co-workers, or try to intimidate female columnists?
Abuse thrives on power inequities. That’s why female-on-male violence and child-on-parent violence are not nearly as common as wife battering and child abuse. We live in a society where most women experience lifelong power inequities.
Economically, men’s earnings still overshadow women’s. Many women are dependent on their husband’s incomes, particularly when women bear the brunt of childcare. Economic inequity places abused women at a disadvantage, as they find themselves weighing safety against homelessness. For the children’s sake, many women stay in relationships that make them prisoners in their own homes.
Biology determines that most marriages involve physical inequity. Men are, on average, taller and stronger and possess a greater percentage of muscle mass than their wives. In a healthy marriage, the physical difference leads to feelings of protectiveness. In an abusive marriage, the weaknesses of the smaller partner are exploited to incite fear and maintain control.
Violence against women is a crime. The law books say so, but society is slow to let go of a paradigm so ingrained in the culture. For women to be safe and equal in America, changes must occur in every facet of society.
Law enforcement must change. Authorities must arrest and charge and sentence men who hit, punch, choke, trap, kick, or yank women about the hair. These actions are not privileges included with the marriage license. These actions are crimes, and should be prosecuted every time. The prosecution initiative should not be on the shoulders of the victim, who often caves in to the abuser out of fear.
Policemen who attack or threaten women should be subject to stronger sentences. If a man does not protect women from violence (including his own), then society must not trust him with a badge and a gun. The abusive cop’s crime is double, because he violates his oath of office and his vow of marriage simultaneously. The woman’s fear is also doubled, knowing that such men have resources and training to track her down if she tries to escape, and the opportunity to destroy evidence and cover their own tracks.
Parents must change. We must teach our children that the secret to a successful marriage is in applying the Golden Rule: Treat others like you want to be treated. Parents must teach it, and more importantly, model it every day. Let children see that marriage problems are resolved through consensus, not one-upmanship. Romance is created by putting your beloved on a pedestal, not establishing power inequities where might makes right.
Parenting itself must change. Children who are subjected to violence in the home frequently grow up to participate in violence dramas of their own. Parents must learn gentle parenting techniques to guide children without inadvertently teaching them violent tactics or damaging their self-esteem.
Hollywood must change. Violence against women is glorified nightly in every cinema and most every home in America. Shows like Criminal Minds and Killer Instinct almost invariably focus on the glamorized murder of a woman. Another generation of young people is being raised to believe that violence against women is titillating entertainment. Until TV changes, just turn it off.
Churches must change. Many pastors teach that the man has final say and that wives should obey husbands. Such sermons typically close with a word about husbands being kind, but the connection cannot be missed: Spiritualizing manhood sets women up for abuse by establishing an eternal and church-ordained power inequity.
So until all these issues are adressed nothing will change.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I know I was long winded but figured it would give you all something to think about. Don't be hatin..:)
Don't apologize, that was an EXCELLENT post!

I am mother to two boys. I have worked very hard with them, to teach them as best I can about many things in life. The older one can't seem to find a girl he can have a conversation with (he takes a lot of physics and geology classes, not many girls), and the youngest one sort of lets his girlfriend call the shots. That would be a good thing if she had better judgment.

I don't "want" to hate, but I do hate it when I see people posting to smack a girl, saying that we're whores, and other various and sundry bullshit. I hate the broad-brush painting, and I honestly expect people who do the things that we as a group do with ostensibly open minds to not allow themselves to perpetuate something like a sexist stereotype. It's boorish, to say the very least.


Well-Known Member
Can you give us an example of what you are saying. I don't think I ever seen woman bashing on this site. Granted I'm not on here 24/7 but I can't remember any bashing of the females.


Well-Known Member
There is one woman on this site that is a man hater but i think she's got serious mental problems.

Aside from that your right,i see the tough guy shit all the time & it's sad,when i see guys go into the smack my bitch up shit or the standard bitches & hoe's nonsense i instantly start laughing,i get a vison of a little scrawny guy who looks like a bowl of milk, with strap on glasses & zits all over his face, playin fake wannabe ghetto gangster while his mom is downstairs baking him some sesame street cookies.

Then i realize that most these guys (children) have so little life experience or experience with women in general that they get their ideas on how to act from 2 minute free porn vid clips on the internet,that is until their mom put a block on their computer, now their just frustrated lil guys lashing out.


Well-Known Member
:lol: Panh.. that's some funny shit. Thing is.. I don't think they're all little boys, ya know? :?

Can you give us an example of what you are saying. I don't think I ever seen woman bashing on this site. Granted I'm not on here 24/7 but I can't remember any bashing of the females.
Sure! How about an entire thread that's practically become dedicated to this shit (and is what finally prompted me to start this thread). :) I think it's an excellent example. Unfortunately, it is not the only one. :(


Well-Known Member
Hey Seamaiden, hope you liked those spider pics!

This was one of the first posts I had the misfortune to read when I joined. Kind of put me off RIU a bit, however its nice to see that everyone here chose to ignore it.

404 Error

IMHO, people who post stuff like that and who use derogatory terms like bitch etc are saying more about themselves than the women they're trying to demean. When you read a post like the above you almost feel sorry for the person who wrote it...almost.


Well-Known Member
until i read this thread i didn't realize that anyone was bashing females. but for the record i don't bash anyone because of gender bias. i live in my home along with my sister and 2 of her daughters. and i'm not out to make war with them by bashing females besides i know when i'm out numbered lmao.


Well-Known Member
No, I don't think I've seen you say anything that puts you in that category. But... there is a lot of it here, and.. it's just rather confusing to me. What are these people for? What are they against? Immoral? Amoral? Just smoke weed and that's all there is to their lives? <shrug>

:shock: Jesus, so I haven't even really had a taste of what there is to be had here. :|

Ok, question for the respondents; Do you think the true misogynists have missed this thread because they don't know what the word "misogynist" means? :lol: :|

Now, here's the real rub, who else wants to bet that these guys who just LOVE to talk smack about women are NOT gay? Don't get me wrong, I've met plenty of fags who really and truly hate women (ok, only a couple out of all I've known), they were abused by their mothers, or have some other history that explains it. What I don't get is, if you detest the wimminfolk so much, why aren't you gay? :?





I want to know.


Active Member
My $.02 cents... I don't even joke about this sort of stuff. I'm a father of 4 children, two boys and two girls. I've had these conversations with my daughters, trying to tell them the way it should be as well as the way it is. I want them to be able to maneuver the world in a respectful way.

As far as behaviour, it's simple. The same rules apply to both.

1) Don't degrade other individuals.
2) Hit one of my daughters or take a swing at a girlfriend and I WILL return the favor. When I end up in front of the female judge at the courthouse, how much trouble will I really get in for flattening my own son for showing this sort of disrespect?

Female bashing is no different than any other form of discrimination / hatemongering. It's really sad that women, minorities, etc must act differently than white men to be successful. What does that say about us (as white men)? We should take a lesson from those who are not white men.

It's too bad this has to be brought up. I have noticed a few threads that go there and they should be deleted.

Sorry if I sound angry. Not many things piss me off but this is one of them.

Clueless :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Appreciated on several counts, "Clueless". This is not, however, an exclusively white phenomenon. Males of many, many and ethnicities do this. I just REALLY didn't expect it from a bunch of heads.