Do You Have The Courage?

I sat next to this dude in choir. I thought he was cool. I had a man crush on him. When I got up the courage to talk to him and try to make friends, my penis got hard. I sat on the other side of the room and pretended like he didn't exist for the rest of the year. This was over 15 years ago.
I sat next to this dude in choir. I thought he was cool. I had a man crush on him. When I got up the courage to talk to him and try to make friends, my penis got hard. I sat on the other side of the room and pretended like he didn't exist for the rest of the year. This was over 15 years ago.

Father Rodriguez?

Im a good boy now Im a good boy now Im a good boy now....
If a lapsed catholic and apostate cant make a joke at the expense of the clergy who made him a heathen, what kind of world are we living in?

You ruined my quazi-homophobic touching nearly gay experience. Shame on you!

That was high school btw. I meantioned in my school drug test thread how I sang a solo at my Baccalaureate. We were both around 18.
not realy i nevor have but a few friends i grew up with turned to be gay nevor in my life would i have believe it. but it happend the only part i didnt like on night i spent the night at a ex girlfriends house she was a lesbian fool blown wen we were alot younger i usto sleep with her man she was a hotie but she sead she just like girls no hard feeling.. NO non at all but Ernest a child hood friend he was over weight he couldnt get any women i think thats y he got the afection from the other side but anyways to make a long story short i slept in his room and mayelas the aunt they shared a two bedroom apartment three friend and she fell asleep in the room at night i hear a shish shooosh swish swoosh and it started smelling like straight ass in the air lolz no lie i could smell the dookie in the air i stayed qwiet.. shhhhhh acted like i was asleep lolz man i could have nevor thought he d be gay he was probly jacking off and sticking something in his ass is what im guessing, another of my friends was a big womenizer big time turned out he didnt care to fuck them at all he would treat them like shit come to find out he was gay the hole time... anyways lolz were am i going with this.?????
i dont think i can stick my penis in a man ass or mouth i just cant no way no how no mother fucken way. No thank you just the vag please..
Never had a gay experience. Now that I'm married don't think I ever will. Assplay has never been my thing anyway. But in the dark a mouths a mouth, right??
i'm sick of bricktop's gay lover gyro following me around, so i finally discussed banning him with rolli.

his pathetic attempts to follow me around like a lost puppy and troll me are soon to be over.

You are the one that came to Mysunnyboys thread to troll me the other day and you know it. If they ban me they should ban you too.....
You are the one that came to Mysunnyboys thread to troll me the other day and you know it. If they ban me they should ban you too.....

i don't think so.

you have been following me around since your very first post because i embarrassed your gay lover brick top.

now you have resorted to making up the most despicable lies ever about me.

enjoy your ban.