trayvan martin

if you are dishonest then you are dishonest the i didnt know i wasnt suposed to lie at this hearing isnt going to shouldnt lie because your bieng dishonest the consequences of the lie should not wiegh as to wether lieing is ok or not and since the case is based on his testimony then he is ruining his credability and making his testimony less believable.

True. This lie does hurt him credibility-wise. I am not sure it will hurt him in the murder 2 trial, though, because it will probably be inadmissible. Don't know this for sure, obviously.
I know this is counter to my position about this case but I think it's kind of weak. If I was in their situation and had people dumping cash into my account, i probably would't consider it mine. Seems like their splitting hairs on this one.

Even I was aware of the cash they had as a result of these donations when he made bond. the prosecuter wasn't?

It does go to his credibility but I don't think it's relevent. The Zimmermans life has been turned upside down as well and survival instincts kick in.

The prosecuter is in the win at all costs mode here wouldn't u say?

If they convict him I hope it is on the events of that evening not on mistakes made after the fact. Same if they don't.
LOL no, you are not under any kind of Oath because most of the time you don't get to speak. Its a BAIL HEARING not an inquiry of evidence. I assume you have NEVER been arrested nor have you ever sat in a courtroom when they do Bail Hearings.

Actually Zimmerman dumb ass did take the stand under oath..Even the wife and father had to take oath over the phone. You so stupid it hurts.:dunce::-P..and watch you still will have to come back and say something.
Thats funny London, cuz I never said Zimm didn't have a Bond HEaring in which he took an oath. So, you really haven't proved a goddamned thing...MORON! Let me know if there is ever a moment where your IQ is larger than your Shoe size. Not that you would recognize it since most morons don't even know they are a moron. Like you.
nice try...The questions was asked are you under oath at a bond follow

Maybe perjury, I don't know, are you under oath at a bail hearing?
no, they just let you lie with no consequence :dunce:

yes, you are under oath at a bail hearing.
LOL no, you are not under any kind of Oath because most of the time you don't get to speak. Its a BAIL HEARING not an inquiry of evidence. I assume you have NEVER been arrested nor have you ever sat in a courtroom when they do Bail Hearings.
;-) ouchhhh
I'd be interested to know what motorcycle gang is notorious for diddling kids because i've never heard of a motorcycle gang that wouldn't kill a child molestor....
If your running after me, in any part of this country, at night, and you don't expect a bad outcome, its on YOU what happens. I am sorry, but if someone is running after me, they obviously want to engage. Its my RIGHT whether I am a "criminal or not" to flee, or fight.

Zimmerman should have known, if he was such a expert at community watch, that usually when the POLICE are running after you, they clearly identify themselves. If I dont here "police" I don't stop. Who the fek would in a right mind.
He's damn luck that was a young person and not some 30 year old that would have certainly been the end to you and your attempt to police your neighborhood. Leave the policing, to those qualified, not some vigilante qwak with a gun.

If he's not able to tell the courts the truth, he obviously is not all that bright.

Either way, he'll get some sort of conviction and be sent to prison. More than likely will be off'd there or off'd in the streets. I guess Zimmerman can only ask himself one question....Who's The fuckin Police, NOW. Rot in a shit bed in the darkest depths of hell.

This country has the largest prison population in the world, you really think we need more feking policing????? Let the police do what we pay them to do, and we wouldn't have this stain of time.
LOL no, you are not under any kind of Oath because most of the time you don't get to speak. Its a BAIL HEARING not an inquiry of evidence. I assume you have NEVER been arrested nor have you ever sat in a courtroom when they do Bail Hearings.

dude, i watched the bail hearing. everyone who testified got sworn in.

Even I was aware of the cash they had as a result of these donations when he made bond. the prosecuter wasn't?

the prosecutor knew the fund was there, but they had no way of proving that the zimms were lying when they said they didn't know what was in it.

but later, they got recorded conversations between the zimms in jail discussing exactly what was in it.

that's all it boils down to.
zimmerdouche "what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive "...fight your case from the inside asshole
Just going to ask real quick...are either one of you mods? lol...

It's just odd that it's talked about like someone just goes "OK mod! Ban so and so!" Seems....a bit backwards...
I already told you that diddlers like you make me bitter. On purpose too !!

Thanks for the ban. The plus will be I will not have to be trolled by the likes of you anymore !!!

you know i'm no diddler. that's just your projection.

when i started throwing the accusation back at you the other day, you NEVER denied it.

lol. bye!
you know i'm no diddler. that's just your projection.

when i started throwing the accusation back at you the other day, you NEVER denied it.

lol. bye!

Hey Diddler,
I was not the one that accused you first. All I did was ask and you never denied it like I have. Then you projected it on me.
just got tired of you ruining other people's threads because you're butt hurt that i trolled your gay lover brick top a year ago or something.

seriously dude, you're fucking pathetic. definitely the most pathetic "biker" ever. you must have the thinnest skin of any human alive.

You are the one that got a thread deleted the other day. Not me. I was minding my own business when you came diddling along to troll me....
But it'd help if I knew the circumstances better. Like this one says the guy (Who is called "Bandy", interesting, since he said his name is "andy") targets minor females, the one involved in the crime being 13 years old.... Now i'm on a mission flipping through all the pictures on all the sex offender registration sites.
Hey Diddler,
I was not the one that accused you first. All I did was ask and you never denied it like I have. Then you projected it on me.

i'll give you full credit for being the first person i have ever seen talk about kiddy diddling on a pot growing website.
