I thought the ruling strengthened the affirmative defense and created no need for a state issued card if you are so inclined as long as you have a doctors note. Correct, So long as you also have a medical use, and a "Reasonable amount", AND, you are not in violation of ANY part of section 7. If a judge does not think the amount you had is "Reasonable" that is a trier of Fact, and it MUST be allowed to the jury to decide. THAT IS THE KEY PART of a Sec 8, which has been denied over and over, because they illegally tried to tie 8 to 4, using section 7. they knew this was illegal (Gov, BS, Courts, especially O'Connel on the CoA), and did it anyways. They HAVE Commited Crimes against the Citizens of the State, and Should be held accountable for their criminal actions and intents).
I think that means a lot for the regular person who wants their medicine but doesn't want to forfeit their privacy like a state issued card requires you to.