Rare Dankness: 501st OG HERMIES!!!

you guys have to realize its all genes...what can the guy do, any of the breeders for that matter...its one thing to be dutch passion and crank out straight crap genetics but hey one plant hermies in your pack and you cant hate on the breeder hate on..idk evolution!!!
umm dude you just agreed with him...he was saying thats why they all left too.. and ya someone needs to "police" the site a bit better and kick ppl who just start trouble.....i will say though ive only posted on 2 threads that went this way in the last 2-3 months so its really not that bad all depends on how low you yourself stoop and it takes alot to get me going so i dont see this crap much
umm dude no i didn't. as i stated in reason #1 most breeders have their designated places that they call home that dates back before they decided to join riu. bodhi ->breedbay, karma after overgrow ->icmag, csg ->icmag and the list goes on. they all have accounts on many boards but rarely post anywhere other than the boards they call home.
reason 2) a lot of the threads that are created here doesn't pertain to them. it's a variety of things going on here and no one or any of them is the main focus, so why would they waste time here? i.e. if a lot more people grow csg, i am pretty sure true and ojd will post here more as well with any other breeder.it's not because of trolling or the display of childish antics, if that was the case people on the farm view icmag as another riu and vice versa. so for anyone believes the reason why breeders don't join riu because of what was stated earlier is only fooling themselves.
not meant that way in the least.. if you truly wrote what i gathered the first time it would of come off more as puzzled than attacking..damn internet with its inability to show tone in my writing!! lol :wall:
If this isn't hating for the sake of hating, I don't know what is..

Excuse me mister know it all.
The link was given to me by miss rd herself in a PM and the fella who got hermed is the only person in the thread who grew it besides moonshine

You do much more harm then good here. A lot of the mild "trouble" here is caused by you. Miss RD was doing just fine and she does not belittle people whio ask serious questions.

You are the main cause of conflict here. If I was RD I would tell you to shut up and stay away. No amount of kissarse is gonna get free beans.

Lets see your pics of the cup winner? the cover winner?
You represent a company that claims to have been around for years on the Co scene. With only a couple grows documented, and 50 strains available that are claimed to be tested and stable. That is silly and you know it. All those beans and all those test grows but no proof. And it's always the same shit excuses. I'm sure the weed is good, but stable and tested? No fucking way. How many people does it take to test 50 strains? How long does it take to stabilize 50 strains? What about the people that have been growing RD in Co for all these years before now. NONE of them get on RIU or any other site? Please man, get real. You know what? No one would care that much about stability if you guys didn't run your mouths first about how great you are and how stable and tested your shit is. Should have just left that part out, because now folks expect shit that has been tested and somewhat stable. You must have a huge ego if you think a dislike button would be good for your company here. Lol. People that make huge claims with no proof are clowns.

F$#%kin' A Word!
normally i dig most of what you say but this right here is highly unacceptable. it only leaves me to believe that if we were neighbors and you had a red card and i didn't you would call the police on me. check you out, police the site, you should shoot yourself for that one.

i see you mention some breeders that i too follow and i am pretty sure that there reasons for not being full time members here is because 1) they have dedicated spots else where and 2) a lot of bullshit threads that has nothing to do what with they're doing or about.

Sorry to see that you see it this way. What deductions you draw from my post is on you. You can twist and contort them however you wish to suit whatever you wish.

While I do acknowledge other breeders do call other popular sites home, they used to also call this place home, was more of my point. Not that they are not here any longer, but the fact that they used to either call THIS place home, or THIS site as a secondary place to reach out.

People like Karma, use 4 sites. People like shanti, uses 1 site, his own.

Like I said, my point being is that they are no longer interested in being apart of this community. Just for the fact of whom composes this community.

If you draw Im a fan of police from that, I am sure you would draw many other off site deductions.

When you have a site such as this one, and sites similar to this one, if you don't regulate it, it won't be around to long. It will dwindled out of control until no one is interested in coming to the site. People are not here to be battered by personal opinions and deductions of others. Much greater causes bring people to these type of sites.

Moderators, is there form of policing. But I believe there needs to be a filter at the door. Accepting only those referenced in. In attempt to make people ACCOUNTABLE for their ACTIONS, which does NOT happen here. There is no accountability here. ANyone can slander what they wish without any consequences. Such as your immature recommendation one commit suicide.

Just another testament to the general mental maturity of the rancid members of this site. That statement is directed at only 1 member, Fresh2Death.

There's a million ways to say everything in the English Language. Its up to you to decide the best way, and for your information, you obviously don't understand how to speak to people, let alone be spoken 2. That is HALF the issue around here. People just LOVE to come at you sideways with all sorts of talking out your neck crap.

Which only proves to further take away from the SUBJECT of this THREAD. Which is NOTHING to do with the current flow of posts. How motivating is it for a member to make a new thread only to have it jacked by a bunch of bickering, mindless, immature, off topic members.
dude you are another funny one, i guess because you write a story for every post you think ur something special. if anything i am pretty sure if they did decide to come to stay you would be more of a reason they would leave as oppose to someone like me and others. just to put you up on game Shanti does have a forum on icmag that he barely even check on, so what is your point? they're heavily censored over there so why doesn't he post there regularly? you're another contradiction of himself, you almost sound good enough to believe. funny how you said
"Which only proves to further take away from the SUBJECT of this THREAD. Which is NOTHING to do with the current flow of posts. How motivating is it for a member to make a new thread only to have it jacked by a bunch of bickering, mindless, immature, off topic members."
but you are all that you just described, remember i responded to your post. but i guess since your special no one has paid attention to the fact that the shit you complain about you also contribute to. you jumped in the thread from out of no where, off topic, just to talk about bringing the police here. your a coward to the fullest, you remind of someone that hates to see someone speaking their mind without having to back down to a higher authority. check you out telling someone how to run their site, if you got all the solutions why don't you start your own?
That was a good post dude. I was agreeing like crazy, then I also realized I did a lot of that shit too. lol.
I will try to do my part to not be an asshole. or as much of an asshole anyway.
That was a good post dude. I was agreeing like crazy, then I also realized I did a lot of that shit too. lol.
I will try to do my part to not be an asshole. or as much of an asshole anyway.
I really haven't felt like you have been in the slightest. people forget we are ALL ADULTS (supposedly) and we can have an educated??? argument, or try at least...
I really haven't felt like you have been in the slightest. people forget we are ALL ADULTS (supposedly) and we can have an educated??? argument, or try at least...

Not is this thread. But I have caught myself being an asshole on one or two occasions. Not more than twice though. lol.
It's the internet alright. Then you are at the expo's and the cup's and we start to meet each other and then - BAM!!!!! It's not the internet, it's real life.
It's the internet alright. Then you are at the expo's and the cup's and we start to meet each other and then - BAM!!!!! It's not the internet, it's real life.

People generally are more respectful to others in person.
It's the internet alright. Then you are at the expo's and the cup's and we start to meet each other and then - BAM!!!!! It's not the internet, it's real life.
Agreed! So definitely put your best foot forward. With that said, i'll be at the HTCC in Richmond June 23rd :)
People generally are more respectful to others in person.
I can attest to that!!! I've said some rude things and stuff i shouldn't have and when you meet the person who you said all those things to, you may find he towers over you, has 100+ lbs on you, and has an utterly mean look to him. WATCH OUT ahhahahaha Good times. You never know who you are talking to on the other end.
Yeah the RD machine.... A 16 month old thread that was rarely posted in by anyone... All that does is point out that this cross has been in the works for at least 2 years. He's showing you midway flowering plants of his keeper at the beginning of january last year.
You also cherry picked the one semi negative line in an overall glowing smoke/grow report from someone who has finished the strain. Dude who made that post is a proper old school grower in northern holland that got the beans from scott at the cup.

If this isn't hating for the sake of hating, I don't know what is..

MS RD herself gave me the link. It was in response to my challenge below.
So I recieved "some info" on one strain

Bottom line = my very simple challenge went unanswered.
Thats why I and others like me are leary :peace:

It would be real easy to stop 90% of the speculation and rumors and general dislike of RD public relations.

For starters, stop calling people names and treating them with contempt.

You say there are reports and pics and test info. So why dont you post one time with all the links together. Then anytime a retarded clown starts asking questions you can repost the post with all the info

I will give you an example.

Hello I am so and so from RD and here are some links to help you decide

First up is the strain everyone is talking about, the strain on the cover of high times. It is called xxxxx and you can buy beans at xxxx. The mom is xxx and the dad is xxxx.
RDstrongestdope. com

Next up is the high times cup winner. It is called xxxxx. The mom is xxxx dad is xxxxx and here are some pics
RDcupwinner. com

I realize that it takes a lot of valuable time to take pics and post some links. I also realize that RD says the info is out there and some links may have been posted, but for crying outloud act like adults even if the stoners at dopegrowers. com are not behaving the way you want them to.

Post the info with links on a few strains, especially the ones above and 90% is solved. How hard is that? Or take your beans, go home and dont chat anymore like has been done

It would suprise me if you can do what I asked for. Post the info plus grow/test reports on both cup winners, the cover strain and your next three top strains.

Thats 5 all together. Can it be done?