The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Shutityacunt
busted with 300+ and 18 months inside

yeh then every other grower and dealer in your area gets busted THATS why ther was a drought lmao



New Member
Originally Posted by Shutityacunt
busted with 300+ and 18 months inside

yeh then every other grower and dealer in your area gets busted THATS why ther was a drought lmao

Your not implying what I think you are. One thing Im not is a Rat. I take it your just trying to be funny


New Member
Well thanks for the chat guys. Im away to try and find out how to beat the Mrs to death and get away with it. She asks me to do shit, I do it to the best of my ability(cheeky smirk while I typed that)and then she moans about the shit I did. Bless her, she loves to moan. Time for a couple of scoobys and chill. Well they say they are valium but I know different. lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i aint fucked off no, or i woodnt b writing this hahahah. im good matey. having crafty j and thought wood check wot u bunch lowlifes doing haha


Well-Known Member
i aint fucked off no, or i woodnt b writing this hahahah. im good matey. having crafty j and thought wood check wot u bunch lowlifes doing haha
not a lot mate,about to log off and watch sum tv been sat at pc all fucking day doing dvds for people,its money i suppose but a pain in the arse none the less..

nrly my joint time and a hr or 2 going to chek on me plants soon,they need to hurry the fuk up,im sure they been growing about 3 months now? lol crazyness,clones doing cushty too,so thats about all im upto,OH yeh going into hospital for 3 days tomorrow suppose idbest pack a bag or sum shit
No so drowndin me sorrows lol
your not the only one mate mine dident either fucking royal mail suk ass theyl turn up after hols no doubt ,and dunnobowt TT the last time we heard from him he was on about romping down to his post office,so lol if he got angry and arrested pmpl

il be in hospital on wednesday,wel hopefully gettnig out,so be nice prezzy to come home to after such a tramatic ardeal they could do anal probes and experiments on me while im under on th general anastetic

steal a kidney or sum shit