do they test for k in a normal basic ua??


bud bootlegger
.. title says it all really, was just wondering if ketamine is something that is tested for on the basic ua?? i'm sure they have specific ua's for every drug out now, i'm just curious to whether or not k is one they test for normally or not??

and here's another one i wonder about, how long does mdma stay in the system?? and what would it show up for, methamphetimines would be my guess, not positive though...

thanks.. :)
we'll go to the loony bin together.

lol, k is the only drug that i've ever thought i was going to lose my mind on.. i know, short trip, haha, lol, but seriously thought i was never coming back down after one night in a deep k hole...

i'm going to a concert next week, and thought a few k bumps would brighten up my night.. :)
lol, k is the only drug that i've ever thought i was going to lose my mind on.. i know, short trip, haha, lol, but seriously thought i was never coming back down after one night in a deep k hole...

i'm going to a concert next week, and thought a few k bumps would brighten up my night.. :)

i did it once a long ass time ago and then moved away shortly after and i've never seen it again, but it was defiantly the most surreal experience i've had with a drug.
i don't have any e, i just thought i'd kill two birds with one stone since i was already asking about the k, lol.. i've been looking for some moon rocks or sand though for awhile. :)

E and K goes excellent together.What is moon rocks or sand?
E and K goes excellent together.What is moon rocks or sand?

moon rocks or sand are both pure forms of mdma.. it's probably the best of the best out there.. i've never done any, shit, i haven't done any mdma in over 15 years or so, and when i used to do it, it was always in pill form.. back then that's pretty much all that they had, and the pills i used to get were usually always pretty good, but i hear that today a lot of e pills get stepped on heavily, or aren't e at all, but rather some form of an rc drug, which i have no real desire to do honestly as none of them are very much like mdma ime.. :)
moon rocks or sand are both pure forms of mdma.. it's probably the best of the best out there.. i've never done any, shit, i haven't done any mdma in over 15 years or so, and when i used to do it, it was always in pill form.. back then that's pretty much all that they had, and the pills i used to get were usually always pretty good, but i hear that today a lot of e pills get stepped on heavily, or aren't e at all, but rather some form of an rc drug, which i have no real desire to do honestly as none of them are very much like mdma ime.. :)

Got it.I never took it like that but my buddy's have and they said its the shit.Yea there so many pills now you never know what your gonna get.Best bet is to get a pill a buddy has already taken to know if its a any good.Also pillreports.But pillreports sometimes say pills are good but aren't strong.
danzig.. he's going to be playing some misfits shit too.. i know, probably not the best concert for k, but w/e, i need an excuse.. :)

Cool man I saw Danzig at Irvine Meadows, California on October 31, 1992 when they recorded there album Thrall-demonsweat Live. Was in the pit & had a killer time. Have fun man.
Got it.I never took it like that but my buddy's have and they said its the shit.Yea there so many pills now you never know what your gonna get.Best bet is to get a pill a buddy has already taken to know if its a any good.Also pillreports.But pillreports sometimes say pills are good but aren't strong.

yah, pill reports seems kinda iffy at best to me at times.. i mean, who's to say that there aren't two different batches made by two different people that both have the same stamp on them?? i mean, i've seen the same stamp a few times, and was pretty sure they weren't both the same pills..
what i used to do is just walk up to the people laying on the floor pretty much dry humping each other, pour some cold water on them to get their attention, then ask whom they got their e from.. 9 times out of 10 they were only to glad to point me in the right direction, and that way i already knew that i would soon be laying on the floor next to them.. :)
Cool man I saw Danzig at Irvine Meadows, California on October 31, 1992 when they recorded there album Thrall-demonsweat Live. Was in the pit & had a killer time. Have fun man.

nice, i've never seen him before, and i loved his first two solo albums, and who in their right mind doesn't like the misfits?? jerry only is going to be playing with glenn too.. :)
Quick answer is, no. . . No routine urine screen tests for ketamines.

A test like that could be done, but mainly for reasons of low yield and cost, it isn't done as part of any normal panel.

To answer the second question, metabolites of water-soluble drugs like MDMA or other amphetamine-like drugs only stay in the system for a relatively short amount of time. You're talking a few days a best in urine for MDMA with a normal screening test. Methamphetamines a little longer, maybe up to 5 days.

What the test would detect depends on the exact assay. MDMA probably (though not definitely) won't trip an ordinary (ie NIDA-5) urine screen, but if it did, it would screen positive for amphetamines. Extended panels to look for MDMA do exist, though again, those cost more and are less commonly used for routine drug screening.
Quick answer is, no. . . No routine urine screen tests for ketamines.

A test like that could be done, but mainly for reasons of low yield and cost, it isn't done as part of any normal panel.

To answer the second question, metabolites of water-soluble drugs like MDMA or other amphetamine-like drugs only stay in the system for a relatively short amount of time. You're talking a few days a best in urine for MDMA with a normal screening test. Methamphetamines a little longer, maybe up to 5 days.

What the test would detect depends on the exact assay. MDMA probably (though not definitely) won't trip an ordinary (ie NIDA-5) urine screen, but if it did, it would screen positive for amphetamines. Extended panels to look for MDMA do exist, though again, those cost more and are less commonly used for routine drug screening.

damn, thanks for that 411 jogro.. that's basically what i had thought on both counts, just wanted a second opinion as i know i don't know everything... :)
i had figured that they have screens for pretty much any drug you could think of, minus some of the newer rc's possibly, just didn't know how common a test for k was, and wasn't exactly sure what mdma would show as, but thought it would be an amphet... :)

thanks again..