I like to top mine so the plant basically becomes inverted. Think about this. every time you double the distance from the light the power of the light is quarter strength. So you want the largest diameter of plant close to the light as possible for maxiumum efficiency. This is why screen of green is so popular. Without topping the largest diameter of the plant is on the bottom getting much less light. This has some drawbacks in that the vegetation below it is blocked more. You end up getting tiny buds below the penetration line, as I call it, and wasting nutrients that could of been sent to buds close to the light. So anything below the penetraton line, usualy 2-2.5' from the top down, I strip. Like I said the advantages are: Less work at harvest time, easier to spray undersides of leaves during mite infestations, and better air flow. Now to your question; Growing the plant taller than the penetration line also gives you a larger root system to feed those buds as well as the other benefits preveiously listed.i see ppl do that gotta ask whats the point of waiting for an extra foot to grow if u just chop the vegetation on a foot you already had....just curious manif theirs some secret i wanna no it lol
the only thing that scares me is the fact that i dont really have much grow space and im needing the max yield. if i do a scrog then my whole room will have to be covered in net and it will be hard to change my dwc resivours and shit like that.I like to top mine so the plant basically becomes inverted. Think about this. every time you double the distance from the light the power of the light is quarter strength. So you want the largest diameter of plant close to the light as possible for maxiumum efficiency. This is why screen of green is so popular. Without topping the largest diameter of the plant is on the bottom getting much less light. This has some drawbacks in that the vegetation below it is blocked more. You end up getting tiny buds below the penetration line, as I call it, and wasting nutrients that could of been sent to buds close to the light. So anything below the penetraton line, usualy 2-2.5' from the top down, I strip. Like I said the advantages are: Less work at harvest time, easier to spray undersides of leaves during mite infestations, and better air flow. Now to your question; Growing the plant taller than the penetration line also gives you a larger root system to feed those buds as well as the other benefits preveiously listed.