Help me- Help FDD

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To the dude selling the house use the money to sneak fdd and is family out of the country fuck playing games in court with the Feds. This is yours and your family's lives were talking about. If it were me id treat it like a life or death situation n get the fuck outta dodge
i think if you contact potroast he will be able to provide details of where you can donate, and from there they will probably get back to you.
it isa sad story, but the light in it is all these ppl willing to help some1 they know is a good person. its a nice thing to see and i hope others would take this in as a lesson to try and help others out they know, or may not know, in a time of need. if u have the opportunity to give something to some1 that would mean mean alot to them, take that opportunity, u wnt regret it. and when the shoes on the other foot, that person will likely help u out, this is how it should be, not the selfish greed that consumes too many ppl. SPREAD THE LOVE!!
Seconded - I would gladly pick up an FDD pipe for an extravagant pri..* * * *errr, donation*.

After reading this again I realized it might not have been worded as I intended.
What I meant was I would be more than happy to donate to the cause & I am in search of a special glass piece.
FDD, if you are reading - the pink crustacean you showed off months ago caught my eye & I would love to give you 3 X what you are asking.
Just say so my friend.
GreatwhiteNorth:7523558 said:
Seconded - I would gladly pick up an FDD pipe for an extravagant pri..* * * *errr, donation*.

After reading this again I realized it might not have been worded as I intended.
What I meant was I would be more than happy to donate to the cause & I am in search of a special glass piece.
FDD, if you are reading - the pink crustacean you showed off months ago caught my eye & I would love to give you 3 X what you are asking.
Just say so my friend.
That's a great idea! Glass pieces are truly Art & most likely glass blowing is thearaputic to fdd. How many pieces could blow before he's locked up? I live in a cave near Pakistan but manage to pop into the North Bay often enough that I volunteer to break into fdd's place, take the Art pieces to distribute then return to leave a money order annonous donation in their place so as to not give the enemy easy ammunition....
Was that Cheech or Chong they fucked that way?
Found fdd one of the best attnys for federal charges. I spoke to him earlier today and he said he can appeal the courts decision and get him ou2on probation. I need the srticle that was posted. I let fdd know about this already. Pm me the link asap. atty fees have already been discussed and im waiting on a call back right now.the link asap.
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