marital bliss

I'ts great always having:

  • somebody to roll for
  • somebody to finish off your bowl
  • somebody to finish the edibles
  • and finally somebody to say "Were out of weed allready!"

got my wife to smoke with me and now we go thru an oz every 3 weeks or get married all over again wouldnt change a thing, no kids and that helps.


Well-Known Member
being married is hell man, in my experience. if you are one of the ones who are all happy and growing together and all that lovey dovey shit, then cool, more power to you and im happy for you. ive done it twice, both times were hell. no more for me, i would not put another girl thru shit again. from those experiences i learned i like having my own priorities that i dont have to run by someone else, i do not like the feeling of someone putting reigns over me, and i hate having to explain every single reason for me doing whatever i have done, etc, etc....
Couldn't have said it better myself. Marriage is terrible.


Well-Known Member
I'ts great always having:

  • somebody to roll for
  • somebody to finish off your bowl
  • somebody to finish the edibles
  • and finally somebody to say "Were out of weed allready!"

wish i could meet a lady like that *big sniff*


Well-Known Member
I thought getting married was the most awesome thing, I was wrong, finaly falling conceiving was. We are holding our breath, the birth is so close now, hospital bags packed and all.
I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else.


Well-Known Member
I need to work on the approach. I hear being clubbed around the head and dragged over terra firma by the hair back to some kind of cave isn't the done thing anymore. Pity. Mmm maybe extraction is the thing to do blind fold, gag, slap on the bum over the shoulder happy days.

I'm eyeballing dankdalia. think she's spotted me too.

Perhaps the way forward is to just be there, not offer solutions just listen.


Well-Known Member
If you wanna annoy a woman give her advice she didn't ask for.
I know us men ar wired to want to give advice everytime our ladies lay a problem on us, and most of the time that just stresses them out further.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
I thought getting married was the most awesome thing, I was wrong, finaly falling conceiving was. We are holding our breath, the birth is so close now, hospital bags packed and all.
I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else.
congrats man...a baby rocks.


Well-Known Member
If you wanna annoy a woman give her advice she didn't ask for.
I know us men ar wired to want to give advice everytime our ladies lay a problem on us, and most of the time that just stresses them out further.
ANC, you're a genius for bringing this one up. This is real talk, young men. Heed this man's warning.

Apparently they just want somebody "to listen?" What the fuck is that? You come at me with a problem, I'm gonna tell you how to fix it! Don't get mad when I do!

As much as they irritate me though....I loooove women. They're so soft and smell so nice.


Well-Known Member
Marriage looks like it sucks.. Kids look kinda fun though. I mean they walk around all funny and do little kid shit.


Active Member
I've known my wife since I was 7 years old. I'm the only guy she has ever dated or kissed or had sex with. Can't ignore that type of commitment. She's my ride or die bitch!


Well-Known Member
being married is hell man, in my experience. if you are one of the ones who are all happy and growing together and all that lovey dovey shit, then cool, more power to you and im happy for you. ive done it twice, both times were hell. no more for me, i would not put another girl thru shit again. from those experiences i learned i like having my own priorities that i dont have to run by someone else, i do not like the feeling of someone putting reigns over me, and i hate having to explain every single reason for me doing whatever i have done, etc, etc....
Thanks man!! Just saved me a ton of typing. I couldve wrote that word for word.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Marriage looks like it sucks.. Kids look kinda fun though. I mean they walk around all funny and do little kid shit.
Are you crazy? Kids are a lot of work. Then again so is marriage.

I love living with my husband. It's nice to know he HAS to be there. lol.


Well-Known Member
Been married about a year and a half. Together for 5. Like someone said before me, you and your partner have to compromise on certain situations. It also helps to keep things simple. My wife and I have a very simple relationship. We love each other and that's all that really matters. Most people would say our life together is boring but we just keep it simple and like it that way.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
All kidding aside. When you marry the right person you do grow together in ways that are unseen.

He knows that I like Almond Joys and I know when he goes and picks up the Sunday morning paper that he'll come home with one, every Sunday like clock work. It's a small thing but it says love. Just like he knew that I'd have a hot dinner and a cold beer ready for him when he got home. And make Pineapple Upside Down Cake at least once every other week. Plus, send enough for everyone at work. It says I love you and I mean it.

It's more than that. It's the ease of life that you have with each other that only time can give you. Besides the customs officers say we look a like!! I don't have a moustache!

But if you have any doubts don't do it. I'm not talking about the last minute jitters, I mean doubts. I don't care if everything is paid for-don't do it. Forever is a very long time.