Failure equals sucsess


Active Member
Dudes I'm not feeling like my normal self at the moment. Tonight I was supose to graduate with my brother. I droped out at the beggining of the year. I have two kids, I'm married, I don't have a good job. I wish I would have listened to all the older people and stayed focused on my education. I wish I had been on the right path. I see the road I have ahead of me if I keep doing the things I'm doing. I'm going to try to get my life back on track.

Its ashame that I have no friends to talk about this to. Thanks for listning stoners.

I'm about to get loaded. I got two zanex, fat blunt, and hopefully some acid if my dealer can come through. Goodnight


Well-Known Member
Awww it's ok stoner.. I dropped out of hs and college lol. I'm not going anywhere in life.. wel nowhere in other peoples eyes. I'm just happy to be alive even if I'm "nothing". And I don't even have a wife and kid like you dude.. As long as you take care of them you have my full respect. So cheer up before you bust your balls in lucy.


I dropped out of high school when I was 16. Year later got a girl preggo, parents were so crazy they got an abortion without asking me also. I would have said yes anyway. Went to jail for assault with a deadly weapon (beer bottle) a few weeks later. Got out, woke up fast. decided I didn't want to go to school but hard work gets you just as far, I'm proof of that. Started work for a catering company and learned how to cook well. Stuck with it for a long time, I'm 25 now and next month I'll be opening my first bar/restaurant here in a college town where I live now. I did borrow the money from someone but the reason they gave it to me is because I did my research and did it correctly. My business plan was flawless, but that's not because I was smart, it was because I was smart enough to find someone to make a good business plan for me. Kids do make things harder. I know from second hand experience where I have friends that suffer quite badly because of careless decisions, they are getting better but what I'm saying is you can come up from where you are. I used my parents in no way to benefit me and it was the best decision I ever made. I'm happy now with how my very stressful life has turned out because it is really benefiting me now.


Well-Known Member
cheer up man, toasters can cook eggs nowadays, i see good things in your future.
Yeah, I saw that too...They need a tray underneath that frys bacon/cooks ham. I wonder if you could just use the crumb tray with some tinfoil...


Well-Known Member
Feel better, stoner!


Well-Known Member
a wise man sees failure as progress, a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic


Well-Known Member
your be alright your still young just make some shit happen i dropped out school cause my girl was having a baby to unfortunately we lost the baby and i kinda snapped for a couple years between grinding and getting fucked up every night it took me awhile to get shit together its better to do something about it now then waste time like i did

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Shit I dropped out of college, dropped out of every other course I've ever started to get any sort of proper Qualifications. Landed some good jobs, had some shit ones... life goes on...


Active Member
Exactly kizphilly. I didn't think about it till just now but that's baccically what I'm doing, getting fucked up all the time. At least I'm seeing that I'm going no where at a young age rather that when it'd too late


Well-Known Member
it aint never to late like i said just make some shit happen the past is the past fuck Dwelling on it