need helpp


obviously im new to growing and no fuck all about it, so as much info would be good. firstly, ive had these 2 for about a month now, seems like there growing fairly slowly, and about 2 weeks in i noticed the tips of some leaves were turning pale yellow, i did some research and thought it could be mites, but id like to get a proper opinion, im using 2, 120w cfl's, one computer fan for exaust (installing an intake soon), soils just ordinary potting mix , using miracle-gro maxfeed, miracle gro seafeed and osmocote with trace elements, (sorry about the shitty quality)


First off you shouldn't have two plants in that pot, separate them now before the roots get tangled up. Also you shouldn't need to feed them yet, it looks like you've burnt them.

Also the the plant on the right looks like its suffering from extreme heat stress. You don't need to have the lights so close when they're so young.


Active Member
you should be feeding nothing but water they are to young for nutes ( 3sets of leaves before food ) good drainage ! sort your ph ! dont water to much! dont over fuss wae them and you should be good to go (remeber the biggest killer of seedlings is usually giving nutes to early and fucking wae them to much!!!!!!
yer poor wee plants are burned to fuck!!! (they point up towards the light)


Active Member
i dont know !!! cut all the food out and sort the ph maybe superthrive ! might help just take a step back and wait it out without fucking wae them you never know but good luck anyhoo(can you not just plant more(no nutes this time)
righto, any chance of savin em? haha


yeh ive just seperated em, lifted the lights, and switched to plain water, weres a good site to buy a cheap ph tester?


true haha, will do. should i cut 1 of the lights? its still gets hot as all fuck in there even though ive raised them


Well-Known Member
Next time dolomite and perlite in the soil. They got nute fried and heat stressed by appearence.


Well-Known Member
they are over watered, which looks like it has caused them to be overfed, unless you have been feeding them already, in which case they are over fed because you have been feeding


Active Member
Don't try to save them, start fresh , the issues asociated with that degree of burn will just be more trouble than the worth . Seeds , 1 per pot. Try single cups with extra perolite a 0.0-0.0-0.0 npk to start no nutes and never full strength. Buy, Greg Greens The Cannabis grow bible and let it walk you through you will be fine! good luck peace.


Active Member
Also leafs that point at the light? these are obiously burt -up, however leafs pointing at the light is not a bad issue. Leafs that are healthy should be pointing, then later. spreading out to eccept the light. In a healthy plant this is known as showing light responsiveness. Hot lights are also a bad thing opt to use cfls they don't create alot of heat, still, if too much add better ventilation air in and air out. If you can get it out of whatever you have it in, do it. Don't worry so much about reflecting light etc, etc. I don't guess you are running 1000watt mh hid over it. So getting everything out of your lighting dollar, shouldn't be a huge worry with two tiny tots.