I always felt like the video made the song that much better/powerful ....
Yes, he's a gay fish
Yes, Kanye is a douche,
Yes, he has a huge ego
But does that take away from his skills as a Mc ..No.
Yeah... cause personality has nothing to do with being an MC right..?
Oh come on, no one was complaining back a few years ago. Fame changes people he is no longer the kid who was producing old loops into masterful samples. Art is supposed to reflect what is true to the artist. Fame fucked him up in the head just like it has everyone else therefor he no longer is in touch with the common ground he once stood on with most listeners. At least hes not trying to be something hes not?
I don't know what he does when he's not performing he could donate to a bunch of charities for all we know.
People are so quick to judge other people under his enormous ego the guy is still human. Remember that.
Everybody saying he should go die is really letting THEIR true ignorance show.
his mom is a crack head
But have some respect for the deceased man
Water is good for getting sand out of your vag....
Whether you like kanye or not is totally up to you ,
But have some respect for the deceased man