Subcools Rapid rooter and shoebox method?


Well-Known Member
Where can I find info on this or could someone break it down for me? I hear it works well...


Active Member
It was covered in one of the later episodes of the weed nerd. Try looking through 60, 61 or 62. I think it was one of those. I have a humidity dome it was cheap like 5 bucks or something. I just bought rapid rooter type plugs "I think they are actually called root riot last week" and my clones are on day 5 and looking great. The roots are really thick and white in color. I think I will be using these for some time! Impressed with the results so far.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! It's the plugs that come in a bag and they feel like thick thick jello?
yep.....its easy bro....flip the plugs upside down....flat side down.....poke a hole in the center with a pen, dip cut, insert, place in clear shoebox, with a little water in the bottom.....cover, put under 24 hour relatively dim light (single CFL works great) and forget for 6 days.....6-8 days average for roots.....hells yeah.


Well-Known Member
These things have converted an old guerilla from the old jiffy pucks for sure. One piece of advice is to avoid using wood products for labeling. They tend to be the starting point fro loss causing contamination. Plastic coffee stir sticks or sandwhich spears work well and you dont have to worry about the wood product issues.


Well-Known Member
These things have converted an old guerilla from the old jiffy pucks for sure. One piece of advice is to avoid using wood products for labeling. They tend to be the starting point fro loss causing contamination. Plastic coffee stir sticks or sandwhich spears work well and you dont have to worry about the wood product issues.
i agree totally, wood/bamboo will mold.......i just use them if they flop, then remove after they perk.


Active Member
15 / 15 in 5 Days with Subcool's Rapid Rooter Shoebox method. I am a convert.

3 Strains, 5 Beans each in 5 Days (1 strain was completely above ground by day 4).


Lovin' It.


Well-Known Member
ive also converted and had 100% germination with 10 seeds and a few clones.... works better and more consistent than anything else ive tried. shoebox method is the best!!


Well-Known Member
This is by far the best cloning method IMO. I have tried aero cloners, bubble cloners, and directly in soil, this method blew them out of the water. 100% success rate thus far and I've gone through a 100 count bag of root riot and I'm onto my second. It works just fine for rockwool too.
I have no issues taking flowering clones as well, some seem to root just as fast as the regular clones.

I have been procrastinating on doing a side by side using sub's method and the handful of different name brand clone gels I have sitting around, one of these days I'll get around to it. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I've been using the plugs for clones since I started growing about five years ago and they always perform....the shoe box is basically ly the same thing as the clone tray with a dome which I prefer...and I do like to use the plug holders rather than flipping them...that way they never fall over...

I just sit one T5 bulb on the dome...

Have not cracked seeds since outdoor stuff long long time ago, and just germinated 10 Chernobyl. Old school in paper towel in the toilet tank (cool and moist) then transferred to soil...

They all germinated fine, but 4 of the 10 have withered after being in soil for a few days...the paddle leaves were fine but the first weed looking leaved withered and were malformed on a few...looks like I should have 6 good ones hopefully some girls in the bunch!


Well-Known Member
I've been using the plugs for clones since I started growing about five years ago and they always perform....the shoe box is basically ly the same thing as the clone tray with a dome which I prefer...and I do like to use the plug holders rather than flipping them...that way they never fall over...

I just sit one T5 bulb on the dome...

Have not cracked seeds since outdoor stuff long long time ago, and just germinated 10 Chernobyl. Old school in paper towel in the toilet tank (cool and moist) then transferred to soil...

They all germinated fine, but 4 of the 10 have withered after being in soil for a few days...the paddle leaves were fine but the first weed looking leaved withered and were malformed on a few...looks like I should have 6 good ones hopefully some girls in the bunch!
hey bro, usually when that happens where they wither/die after transplant, is because of mold from paper towel/cool temps/not enough air during planting into rapid rooters will solve this common problem......nugs