4-600w & 1-400w @ 240V


I wanted to know if I can run 6 HID's
(4-600w + 1-400w @240v) on a single circuit.
So 3720w/240v=15.5amps. Is it safe to say I can use a Dual pole 20AMP breaker?
It would be cool if someone could draw me a diagram on how to wire 5 240v outlets in parallel.
Oh and can I use a higher amp breaker for future upgrades(4-1000w 1-600w)IE a 40AMP breaker? or will i have to re-wire later to fit the 4-1000w lamps?
peace and stay high :bigjoint:

P.S. 240v will be exclusive for my lights :)
P.P.S. I don't trust electricians that why I want to do the wiring my self..you why.:leaf:

Sub panel is an option but I'll have to read up on that :>..kinda gets technical lol..i think.


Active Member
just buy a light controller and feed a 40 amp wire to it. You can get pretty much any plug amount. I cut the end off the dryer hook up and hooked up a 4 plug controller to mine.http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=MQm&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=cap+light+controller+240v&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1680&bih=930&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=4318979874142447807&sa=X&ei=K7_OT4mXAYKS2QWo_oTIDA&ved=0CIEBEPMCMAQ . Same one I use but the 4 plug. A hell of alot easier and more piece of mind than trying to do it yourself.


Well-Known Member
15.5 amps will safely squeeze into a 20 amp with a margin. now you can't just go swapping out breakers w/o knowing if the wiring is up to the task.

If you need to ask how to parallel wire outlets, you need to go buy a basic wiring handbook at lowes. It's easy and you can do it. It's just your better getting an understanding of what your doing rather than just following along. 30 minute read that will pay dividends throughout your growing career.