Wait for Pre flower before awitching to 12/12?


Active Member
I am just wondering what you guys think. Is it best to wait to see preflower before you switch your light cycle up or should you do it when you reach the desired veg size?


Active Member
the plant i have on the go now i waited for pre flowers and now its a monster!!! so my next one coming on now i went for size !!! easier to manage imo


Active Member
Iv had strains that dont really preflower, so I wouldnt wait - I'd go by the actual height of your plant. It will double or triple its size when flipped.


Active Member
I switched on monday the 4 of june after 7 weeks of vegging 18/6. Im pumped to see how these babies turn out. I was using the tie down LST method and they are looking bushy!


Active Member
i think its a personal thing i.e space / time /nutes a lot of things need to be sorted when you go into flower or not if you have the time and space to grow a monster then why not !!! but its a pain in the arse... keep them bushy and keep them coming thats my new motto(for this plant anyhoo)


Well-Known Member
like what been said. it can be a strain thing and a personal choice. i veg my ww for 6 weeks. at week 3to4 there clearly showing there sex. from there, over the next 2 weeks i reduce my light times firm 18 to no lower than 15. i notice going lower than 15 with ww will induce full flowering. by dropping the light 30 mins every 3 to 4 days i start notice my ww showing sings of pre flowers. when i switch at 15 hours to 12, pre flowers ,terminal bud sites are all present. ive all so notice(depending on pheno not the sat don pheno) will reduce and help with the stretch period.also the extar 2 weeks help me dail the n levels in perfect for the stretch. also i can get 10 percent amber on week 8 so in theory i get the 2 weeks extra veg time back., please take in to account when reading this. that, this has been dialed in over years of growing with the same strain and may have no relevance on any other strain or growing method. (grown in coco under 600wat)
bro i am in the same boat i just started flowering on sunday the 3rd. do you see any signs of sex yet? i havent really waiting at least a full week this sunday keep me posted on your plant. our babies are almost the same age


Active Member
Yes, this is true but wwhen it comes to marijuana growing much of the info out there is contradicting and different people say different things. I have done alot of research and when i dont find direct answers from those i ask this site to get actual grower feedback.


Well-Known Member
collect info
an realize whut you need to do is on the way you grow and yo setup -not the next guys

realize you will always have diverse
grow styles
gerow sapace
levels of experience

i just flowered sum sativa leaneng seeds
at 4 internodes
cause i have a little over 4 feet of grow height

it would be sencless for me to tell you to do the same if you have 6 1/2 feet yo play wit

bottm line you gotta do you and yo setup not mine




Well-Known Member
reason 1- a hundred ways to do the same thin none wrong none singulerly right
including the many variations

reason 2-3 say its whit ,3 say its black ,3 say its gray -cause only 3 realyy know the answer
rest should be listning not talkin

reason 3-sum talk whut they heard or think not whut they have tried an experienced

takes over a year to lgraduate this school and learn enough to be comfortable enough to grow on yo own
untill then read erytin errywhere so you can tell the fact from the fiction

also member erry mans setup wont match yos
collect info an do you and yo setup -not the next guy


I an I
i just switched 2 different size plants 12/12 about 2 weeks ago. ones about your size and ones twice the size. the large ones showed preflowers in a matter of days, but the smaller ones took almost 2 weeks to show. be patient, they'll show.


Well-Known Member
pre not to show till plant matures
all mature at diff times
evenan plants of same genetic background -diff phenos
mature at diff pace

a plant reaches maturity when alternating internodes appear
plant starts out wit side by side internodes
at amturity go to alternating

then not long after pre to show
can fake maturity an stress aplant to show early by 12/12
or switching to 12 /12 before maturity
plants grows normal for a whie in aconfused state
then under stress it foces maturity then pre then budding
all happens faster but stil takes awhile to grow a littlle then be persuaded to believe it is mature
kinda like child havin a baby before maturity not gona happen at 5 might happen at 12 or 13
this is my second bag seed grow with 2 42 2700 cfls and 1 23 watt cfl and 6 6500k daylights first week into flower about 8 days in any advice would help



Well-Known Member
Yes, this is true but wwhen it comes to marijuana growing much of the info out there is contradicting and different people say different things. I have done alot of research and when i dont find direct answers from those i ask this site to get actual grower feedback.
I find some information will contradict because one person will be growing in hydro, one person in soil, not to mention the different strains demanding different needs, different climates, everything comes into play...

Once you get a general idea of what you're supposed to be doing, it comes easier, once you learn how to read a plant and adjust for it's demands, you will sometimes find that you create your own contradictions.. =)

As for pre-flowering, I think it's very very strain dependant, with my own experience , with the strain I've been developing,(90 days start to finish, depending), because of the instability of the 4th generation(still), I will sometimes will get 2 very different looking plants out of the same seed that came out of the same bud.

One will show it's pre-flowers very young, and can be put into budding by the 2nd week. (These babies will get done early usually... 65 days. Start to finish)
The other will take a while longer to show its pre's and even then won't throw hairs off, so you're left geussing for a week or two, wondering if you have a male or female.

If I put either of them into 12/12 BEFORE the pre's show, forget it, I just extended my grow to about 120+ days, because it seems that they will sit there and do nothing for about 2 weeks while deciding to show ANY flowers, I also notice that there is more susceptibility to fertiliser imbalances at this time. While when they've shown some pre-flowers before I put them in, they usually respond to the fertiliser change over very well.

IF you're in a 4 foot high space, I would Low Stress Train the main cola, just bend it right over, but don't break it... just nice and gently, if you do break it, just splint it at the proper angle, it "should" be ok.. Either way, it will help control the height of your garden and it will force the lower branches to grow "bigger and better".

this is my second bag seed grow with 2 42 2700 cfls and 1 23 watt cfl and 6 6500k daylightsfirst week into flower about 8 days in any advice would help
You guys with the CFL grows impress the hell out of me...

I remember being 12 years old and using a fishtank light and an egg carton, making a fancy box, training 8 inch long over-stretched seedlings to the light, and wondering "How am I going to get a pound of weed out of that little box"... LOL!

30 years ago...

Yeah, I'd agree with that.
Yeh... IF they get real stubborn, Once they hit the certain height mark.... I totally agree with that!
In fact, I've seen it happen where they get real stubborn and shy, and won't come out, until they've been a day or 2 under 12/12 and then WHAMO! they put on massive weight, and just keep going and going and going....

Thank you for your time. Hope this helps a little.


I believe its better to wait for signs of maturity if possible, since it seems like it would transition into the 12/12 easier. Also 24 hour lighting until 12/12 will keep the plants nice and short (stop from stretching). I think the longer you can veg and still keep within the 2-3x flower stretch the better... since more developed root/stem/leaf systems. Infact im inclined to try 18/12 to give as much light to stop stretch as possible during flowering but im unsure of the 30 hour day thing...

Please correct me if im wrong.