I have found Finshaggy!!!

you guys still think i was nuglets. even after i posted the message from the admin. lol.

Well, the only thing I recall about nuglets was his avatar. It was some bald guy on a gun turret or some shit. And he looked like the same guy you post pics of.

I don't care though, just thought it was funny ;)
And nuglets loved to push aprils buttons just like you do ;)

i do like pushing some buttons. and i'm not BALD...shaved head. dammit. :lol:

never in the military though. why do you think i live in Costa Rica...no military. hehe. and hot chics, great fishing, beautiful beaches, relatively no taxes, etc...
You should come hang out in Cali!

i told you, i'll be up there in 3-4 weeks to get the new house furnished and decorated. we're having a pig roast party. couple other buddies of mine from RIU are gonna try and make it up too.

i'm only in cali a few weeks a year. probably more now since i got the new house.
i tlod you, i'll be up there in 3-4 weeks to get the new house furnished and decorated. we're having a pig roast party.

Yup, I remember! Do I have to help move boxes or anything? Cuz I just helped a friend of mine move and right at the beginning of it he's like "Oh sorry, I gotta get to work". I ended up doing the whole thing by myself lol. I could have waited for him to get off work but I just wanted to get it done.
Yup, I remember! Do I have to help move boxes or anything? Cuz I just helped a friend of mine move and right at the beginning of it he's like "Oh sorry, I gotta get to work". I ended up doing the whole thing by myself lol. I could have waited for him to get off work but I just wanted to get it done.

move boxes...haha. i'm not moving. new house...new stuff. i already ordered a bunch of stuff. just getting some nick nacks and stuff, bedding, plates, etc... not that type of party. no one has to do any lifting. plus my boy has a bunch of brand new furniture and stuff we bought that is being delivered over the next few weeks.

i'm just getting my room and some other stuff in order so that when i come back i don't have to do anything. plus i wanna hang with my boy. this is the 2nd house we've bought together as an investment.